Chapter 201 : To Stand on Trial

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Translated by : Dumpling & Irisu

Edited by : Anks & Ely


Xiao Shao quickly returned from fetching water while at the same time seemed to have given some instructions to those outside. Realizing that it would either be the Jinyi Guards or Lian Qiao and the other maids, Jiang Ruan was somewhat embarrassed. Thus Jiang Ruan was startled when Xiao Shao walked to the edge of the bed and was about to bend over to pick her up. She asked, "What are you doing?"

"Since you don't want the maidservants to serve you, I'll carry you over to freshen up." Xiao Shao replied good naturedly.

"No need." Jiang Ruan lifted the quilt and was about to step down. "I'll just wash myself." If she wanted to wash her body in front of Xiao Shao like this, no matter how much she feigned a calm composure, she might not be able to remain so. However, who knew that as soon as she moved, she would feel sore and weak all over, so she stopped immediately.

Xiao Shao looked at her in a calm and collected fashion, then smiling genially said, "I won't do anything."

Jiang Ruan knew that at this moment, it would probably be difficult for her to wash up by herself and it would be hypocritical and even coquettish for her to refuse. So she nodded and Xiao Shao bent over and carried her over to the wooden barrel behind the screen. After their earlier physical intimacy, Jiang Ruan was already very tired, yet Xiao Shao looked refreshed and full of vitality, carrying her effortlessly. Once he had settled her into the barrel, the soothing warm water was so comfortable that Jiang Ruan allowed herself to relax. Soon her eyes grew heavy and without knowing it, she gradually fell asleep and by the time Xiao Shao had taken great care to dry her body, Jiang Ruan was already sound asleep. With a smile, he once again carried her back to bed and gently tucked her in.

Since it was their first time, he was concerned that Jiang Ruan had been overly exhausted and knew that he had to be more considerate towards her. And so, when he saw how soundly she was sleeping, compassion arose and he felt a tad apologetic. Leaning over, he kissed her lightly on the forehead. Just then, Lian Qiao entered carrying a bowl of medicine, and he silently shook his head at her. She immediately understood and took her leave smiling discreetly.

On this night, it was unknown how many people in the Jinying Wangfu were aware of the charming scene, but more than likely only those guards hidden in the tree limbs, eaves and rafters knew. And, in regards to the bet Jin Si had made, the final winner was the banker herself. Consequently, Jin Si very generously took the gambling money and treated everyone to eat and drink. When everyone was tipsy and merry, several hidden guards began to weep with joy. It was as if they were already seeing the next little master of the Jinying Wangfu already rushing forward to make his appearance at the Wangfu.

When Jiang Ruan woke up, it was already the morning of the next day. Even after sleeping all night, her body still felt as if she had been run over by something, somehow aching more than the night before. The quilt around her was flat and Xiao Shao was not on the bed. She propped herself to sit up when the door opened with a 'squeak' and Xiao Shao came in with a bowl of medicine. Seeing that Jiang Ruan was awake, he put the medicine bowl on the small table on the side, and reached out to feel her forehead. He asked, "Is your body still hurting?"

Jiang Ruan: "..."

Xiao Shao couldn't help laughing. These days, he laughed frequently. His naturally handsome appearance combined with that laugh made him exude a charming presence like a peach blossom blooming in spring, and probably because he had eaten his fill the night before, he was in a cheerful mood. Jiang Ruan compared herself to him, stretched out her own hands to pick up the medicine bowl, blew on its contents, and drank the medicine down in a few gulps.

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