Chapter 83 : Brother and Sister

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Translated by : Irisu

Edited by : Anks & Ely


Jiang Xin Zhi was one versus five opponents. However, not even by the slightest margin did he lag behind those who exchanged blows with him in such a short period. At this, each of his opponents had a hint of amazement in their eyes. It was because they were initially asked to observe Jiang Xin Zhi who, when all was said and done, had been someone who had been on the battlefield. However, he was someone who was starkly different from hearsay- a young master of the Jiang family who was described as scholarly and weak.

During this period, this handful of fighters found it somewhat strenuous after exchanging blows with him and by now had expended much of their physical strength. Then, one of them gave a meaningful signal to another and in the split-second, these two fighters showed a renewed grit of determination. Step by step as if their life depended on it, one pressed harder whilst the other circled round to Jiang Xin Zhi's back to strike at his horse's leg.

"Neigh!" Hei Feng gave a long whinny as its front legs were severely slashed by a sword. With that, both of its forelegs buckled as it knelt down. Jiang Xin Zhi flipped himself over to get off the horse. As he did so, two other guards seized the opportunity to attack him. Jiang Xin Zhi leaned his body to the side but when he touched the soil underfoot, he felt that his body was suddenly sinking in. He was startled as he lowered his head to look. As expected, it was because his calves dipped into, and mud as he struggled, he sunk even deeper into it.

The several fighters then sheathed their swords as Jiang Xin Zhi looked at his lower body. In just a short period of time, the mud had alarmingly pulled him down to waist level.

Unexpectedly, he was surrounded by a large marsh area. Above this swamp layer, they had actually used dried, withered branches and twigs to completely conceal this fact and thus, he had not discovered it prior to this battle. So, these few people, who had fought with him, had actually planned to trap him here. The more one struggled in a swamp, the more one would be engulfed in its midst. After figuring this out, Jiang Xin Zhi stopped struggling as he coldly stared at the people before him, "Who sent you?"

One of the guards laughed, "Eldest Young Master Jiang, you can only blame yourself for blocking someone else's path. If you must ask, then when you arrive on the roads of the Yellow Springs[1], go ask Yama[2] about it!" After saying that, with a wave of his hand, Jiang Xin Zhi heard a rustling sound coming from the woods and then saw countless numbers of people appear. All of them had a bow in their hands as they knocked an arrow seemingly in preparation to kill him.

[1] Huáng quán ( 黄泉 ) - the underworld of Chinese mythology which is the equivalent of Hades or Hell

[2] Yán wáng yé ( 阎王爷 ) - the King of Hell

Jiang Xin Zhi had a sudden epiphany; as it turned out, this was actually the real checkmate right here. From the very beginning, these people had wanted to trap him in the marshy swamp and then in the confusion, they would have him shot dead through the heart with arrows. Such conniving, vicious and sinister intentions! However, after all was said and done, who would have such a deep hatred towards him?

But no one was there to help resolve his dilemma as he then merely saw a wave of someone's hand. At that moment, numerous arrows were simultaneously targeted at him and as the whooshing sounds pierced the air, the arrows darted like a shower of raindrops towards him!

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