Chapter 136 : The Golden Chrysanthemum Banquet

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Translated by : Irisu & Minodayz

Edited by : Anks & Ely


By the end of the day, Empress Dowager Yi De had still not spoken a single word. A very perceptive Jiang Ruan felt that Empress Dowager Yi De was harbouring a secret, much like that baffling painting of South Xinjiang's scenery. However it appeared that Empress Dowager Yi De had no intention of being forthcoming with her. In her previous lifetime, she had resided within the palace for many years but had never heard of Empress Dowager Yi De having any secrets, so that would also mean that Xuan Li would not know.

If there was any news, it would be concerning the war between Tian Jin kingdom and Great Jin. Initially, Great Jin had been advancing with great valour and was on the brink of defeating Tian Jin. However, it was not known what had gone awry for Tian Jin kingdom to suddenly recover and turn the corner. Not only that, but it was unknown where they had obtained the ability to be able to counter and push back Great Jin's latest advancement. Hence the war situation had once again reached an impasse.

Naturally Jiang Su Su had taken delight in this matter and took each and every opportunity to bring this up whenever she encountered Jiang Ruan. However, Jiang Ruan merely took her for a mad dog barking. Hence after a few taunts that had merely resulted in a blase reaction, Jiang Su Su finally lost interest and ceased her prattle, turning instead to focus on the preparations for the upcoming Golden Chrysanthemum Banquet.

The Golden Chrysanthemum Banquet was a social custom of Great Jin, held during the seventh month of the Lunar calendar when the chrysanthemum flowers were in bloom. It was hosted by the Senior Provincial Officer's Furen, who invited the capital's coming-of-age young ladies for a gathering, while young gentlemen gathered on the other side to mingle, chat and establish connections. Although on the surface it looked like a mere social gathering, in actual fact it was more of a platform for various furens from the noble families to take a good look at potential daughter-in-laws or son-in-laws. While Great Jin's customs weren't that open minded, there had still been a few couples who had met at the Banquet and were later blissfully wedded. This in turn became a story that captured the fancy and imagination of many and had spread far and wide.

Jiang Quan had probably finally realised that he still had two di daughters that were of marriageable age within his fu. Casting aside Jiang Ruan for the moment, Jiang Su Su was still the pearl in Jiang Quan's palm and he had every intention to seek out a good husband for her. For this occasion, he had invited the Marquis Xia fu's Eldest Mistress, Shen Rou, to take Jiang Su Su to the event.

Xia Jiao Jiao's portrait had also been sent to the palace and so was no longer expected to participate in such gatherings. In the wake of Jiang Chao gaining recognition by Xuan Li's side, Xia Cheng had come to a realisation. Because the matter with Xia Yan was actually the fault of the Maquis Xia fu, gradually the relationship with the Jiang fu began to improve. As if that incident had not happened at all.

If Jiang Su Su were to attend the Golden Chrysanthemum Banquet, but Jiang Ruan did not, there would surely be many tongues wagging. Moreover, the invite from the Senior Provincial Officer's Furen also had Jiang Ruan's name, so she would also attend with Shen Rou.

Though it was perceived that this Golden Chrysanthemum Banquet was of some importance, surprisingly Jiang Su Su seemed to have cloistered herself in her room without stepping out at all. Occasionally the sound of the qin could be heard coming out from Su Xin Yuan, and it can be said to be quite graceful and moving. The servants from Ruan Ju however didn't think much of it, especially when one considered the plight of Xia Yan who was suffering in the secluded Buddhist Hall while her beloved daughter still had the heart to go to these banquets. To think that in the past Xia Yan had looked out for Jiang Su Su in all matters only to end up with such an ungrateful and thankless wretch of a daughter.

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