"Bad News"

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A/N- Very short drabble/missing scene from S4:E2 - "The Darkest Hour: Part 2" requested by my friend Saturn. You know who you are. 


"So how should we go about this?" Merlin asked, turning to Lancelot.

The two were perched atop their horses, growing closer to where the rest of the knights were located. They were making steady progress and were now pondering on how to go about telling the knights that Merlin was not, in fact, dead.

Lancelot grinned, "Well obviously we can't just waltz in."

Merlin laughed, "Of course not. We need to be dramatic."

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

"What if... we pretended I was dead, and you acted all distraught."

Lancelot's grin grew wider, "So we make them all freak out and think your dead and then you come waltzing in dramatically."

Merlin nodded enthusiastically, "Exactly. Great minds think alike eh Lancelot?"

"Indeed Merlin." 

"So you'll walk in..." Merlin started.


"And you'll frown and say..."

"Bad news?" he suggested.

Merlin pointed an approving finger at him, "Yes. And then you'll sigh heavily and have a dramatic pause, letting the terror of my imminent doom stir within everyone."

Lancelot pointed an approving finger at him, "Yes. And then I'll shrug and say, 'he's still alive', and you walk in dramatically like 'heeey I'm still alive yay'."


"Let's go."

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