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A/N- this one is a bit longer. They are not normally this long. Takes place... sometime idrk. Has the knights Arthur,  Leon, Gwaine, and Percival. And of course Merlin. No major spoilers. I'll probably make a part two at some point.


"Aw, come on Merlin!" Gwaine yelled.

Merlin laughed, "I said no Gwaine."

"But no one else will do it with me!" He complained.

"That's because the rest of us have brains," Leon commented, making everyone minus Gwaine laugh.

"Pleeeeease?" Gwaine pleaded.

Merlin sighed and rolled his eyes, "Fiiiiiine."


"Wow Merlin," Arthur said, "I didn't think youd give in."

"If I let him do this alone, two things would happen. One: He'd probably end up hurting himself. Two: He'd never leave me alone about it." 

"We can't very well let you go drinking with alone," Percival said.

"Aye," Gwaine said, "You'd all be missing a great show. Merlin here has one ale and is entirely out of himself."

"Hey," Merlin protested. He was about to say something, but it died in his throat when he picked up the scent of smoke. He'd always been wary of smoke, because smoke meant fire, and fire ment burning for sorcery. 

"What is it?" Leon asked.

"Getting a funny feeling?" Arthur teased.

"Do you smell the smoke?" Merlin asked, a heavy frown upon his face.

They all paused and sniffed the air.

"Aye," Gwaine said. He looked up, "Look!" 

He pointed to the left, and the group looked at a thickening cloud smoke. Then the screams started.


They dashed towards the origins of the yells and smoke. 

The inn and a few buildings around it were ablaze. The knights could feel the heat from where they stood, quite a distance away. People were running around, fetching water and throwing it on the flames though it never seemed to make a dent. 

There was a woman carrying a little boy, running around frantically. 

"Please!" The woman shouted, "Please my little girl is still in there! My Elizabeth is trapped! Please someone!"

Without hesitation, Merlin nodded to the woman and darted into the flames.

"Merlin!" Arthur shouted, lunging forward only to be held back by Leon. Percival was also holding Gwaine back.

"There's no use in you going in too Arthur," Leon said, "All we can do is hope Merlin finds the child and gets out."

Merlin dashed into the building, coughing as he inhaled smoke. Covering his mouth and nose with his neckerchief, he raced around, avoiding falling beams and flames. 

"Elizabeth!" He called. "Elizabeth!"

He made his way up the precarious wooden stairs. 

"Elizabeth!" He called again, coughing.

"Help!" a small voice cried. 

Merlin opened the door he heard the voice from with a bang. Inside was a little girl, covered in soot, huddled in a corner. Merlin rushed over to her, very aware of the creaking sounds and the growing fire.

Merlin One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now