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A/N- This has two parts, apparently I was feeling inspired today.
It takes place right after the beginning of season three, so there are spoilers. 


"Merlin!" Arthur cried as his manservant collapsed to the ground for no apparent reason. 

He smacked Merlin's cheek, trying to get him to open his eyes. He noticed a spot of blood blossoming on Merlin's lower abdomen and lifted his shirt. He gasped softly when he saw blood seeping through a bunch of bandages. 

When did he get injured? How did he get injured? Why didn't he tell him? Why didn't he notice?

Too lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the woman come up behind him. 

"Sire," she said softly.

Arthur whipped around, sword in hand. 

The woman held up her hands in a 'don't shoot' gesture. "I mean you no harm, my lord. My name is Mathilda. I wish only to help." She motioned to Merlin, "May I?"

Arthur nodded slowly. Mathilda pulled out some herbs from a satchel at her side and carefully unwound the bandages. She put some herbs under Merlin's tongue and gently pressed some in his wound. Then she pulled out some clean bandages and rewrapped the wound. 

"There," she said, "that should do nicely until you reach your physician."

"Thank you," Arthur said, bowing his head slightly. He frowned at the unconscious manservant, eyes darting over the numerous scars he could see. "What happened to you?" he mumbled.

"Why do you not ask him?" the woman inquired.

"It wouldn't matter," Arthur said with a heavy sigh, "he never tells me anything, and he always darts around answers and feeds me worthless lies. Even if I call him out on it he doesn't tell me."

Mathilda looked thoughtful, "I may be able to assist with that as well, if you so wish."

"What do you mean?"

She pulled out a bottle filled with a green-blue liquid. "This is a concoction of herbs that makes the person who consumes it tell the truth. The full truth to whatever question is asked. I doesn't take much, merely three drops into a liquid of some sort will do the trick. And it lasts for 24 hours as soon as it's consumed."

Arthur stared at the bottle, "Is it magic?"

The woman shook her head, "Merely science."

Arthur hesitated just one moment before reaching out and taking the bottle.

"I warn you though," Mathilda said, "you may not like what you find out, and you should not be angry for information withheld from you. Likely, it was held back for a reason."

Arthur pressed his lips together at her advice. He was very sure he wasn't going to like a lot of what he heard, but it was Merlin. He nodded. Mathilda helped Arthur put Merlin on a horse and Arthur mounted his.

"Thank you again, Mathilda."

"Of course my lord." she said. 

***** LINE BREAK *****

Three days later, Merlin was back to work, tidying up the prince's chambers.

Arthur quickly slipped a few drops of the truth serum into the cup Merlin would drink out of while working. (After an incident with a dehydrated Merlin collapsing Arthur always made sure his servant had water with him and in his room.) Merlin took a swig from his glass and resumed cleaning.

"How are you Merlin?" Arthur asked experimentally.

Instead of the normal 'Fine' he always got, Merlin spewed.

"I've been so tired lately. Between you and Gaius working me nonstop and protecting you from various assassins, I haven't had hardly any time to myself."

Merlin froze and clamped a hand over his mouth, startled by his own answer. Arthur was stunned as well, certainly not expecting that. 

Merlin inched towards the door. "I'm going to go. Gaius needs me to pick herbs."

"Does he?"

"No. That was just an excuse to get out." Merlin clamped a hand over his mouth again and made to dart through the door.

"Don't you dare Merlin." Arthur warned. Merlin froze and turned toward Arthur. He nodded towards a chair. "Sit."

The look in Arthur's eyes prevented Merlin from simply running and accepting the consequences later. He sat.

"What did you do to me?" Merlin asked, glaring at Arthur.

Arthur pressed his lips together, "No matter-"

"YES matter," Merlin argued, standing up.

"I will tie you to the chair, Merlin. Sit."

He sat back down. "What. Did you do to me."

Arthur stared hard at Merlin, "The other day, when you fainted like a girl, a woman helped me and gave me this wonderful little potion that makes whoever consumes it tell the complete truth."

Merlin paled significantly, "You did not."

Arthur smirked.

If look's could kill, Arthur would be obliterated. "You. Did. Not."

"I. Did."

Merlin's anger was replaced with hurt, "Do you not trust me then?" 

Arthur's face softened slightly, "I do trust you. With my life. But I don't think you trust me, and I want to know why."

"Of course I trust you! I trust you with my life as well." Merlin shouted.

"But not with your secrets." Arthur said bluntly.

Merlin tried, he really did, but he couldn't hold back his answer, "No."

Arthur frowned, it was his turn to be hurt. "Why don't you trust me, Merlin? I thought... I thought we were friends. Dare I say it... I thought we were brothers."

"We are friends," Merlin said, "You're my best friend and brother."

Arthur folded his arms, even with the truth serum he was good at dodging things. One question at a time then.

"Why do you not trust me with whatever secrets you have?" Arthur asked again.

"Because I'm scared!" Merlin shouted. He put his head in his hands. "There you have it. I'm scared."

Arthur's eyes widened, "Of... me?"


Arthur looked down, hurt more than Merlin could know by this confession. "But... Why?" 

Merlin pressed his lips together and shook his head. His eyes were squeezed shut. "Please don't ask me that."

"Merlin," Arthur repeated, "Why are you afraid of me?"

"Because... I'm afraid of what will happen if you find out. I'm afraid that it will ruin our friendship. Everything. And I'm afraid... I'm afraid you'll hate me. And... that you'll kill me."


"Please don't."

"What is your secret?"

A tear escaped Merlin's eye.

"I have magic."


Merlin One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now