Gift Giving

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A Christmas one for the season!


Merlin watched with a small smile as giant snowflakes fell to the ground. The whole kingdom was coated in a blanket of white. 

Merlin tore his gaze away from the window and resumed cleaning Arthur's ridiculously dirty room. 

"Honestly how does he even get it to be so messy?" Merlin wondered aloud, "I clean it every day."

"Not every day," Arthur said, stepping in, "You spend plenty of time down at the tavern, neglecting my dirty room."

"I do not!" Merlin protested.

Arthur raised an eyebrow, and Merlin sighed. 

"Anyway," Arthur said, throwing himself onto his bed, "I need your help."

Merlin paused to look at him, "You need my help?"

"That is what I said." 

"Yes but you actually asked, which means you must be physically incapable of doing it yourself."

Arthur glared at him, "I need your help deciding what to get my knights for Christmas."

"Ahh." Merlin said.

"And I know you've already gotten them gifts and I don't wish to copy you on accident." Arthur said.

"How'd you know I already got them gifts?" Merlin asked.

Arthur scoffed, "Please Merlin, you've probably had their gifts prepared since last Christmas. I've known you for years, give me some credit."

"Only when it's deserved." 

"Shut up. Would you just help me already."

Merlin's face softened, "What have you got in mind?"

***** LINE BREAK *****

Walking through town with arms full, Merlin listed off, "So we've got a new sword for Elyon. Three new capes for Gwaine, since he's always tearing them. Long sleeved shirts for Percival. A crossbow for Leon. And a lance for Lance. You know he might hit you for that." 

Arthur grinned, "It's worth it."

Merlin nodded, "Probably." 

Arthur turned to Merlin, "Go wrap these and put them in my room. I'm to go train right about now." 

Merlin narrowed his eyes at him as he walked off. "Fine then."

Arthur got to the training grounds and faced his knights, "What have you all gotten Merlin for Christmas?"

"Oh don't tell me," Gwaine said, "You don't know what to get him."

Arthur glared at him but didn't deny the claim. "I am a man of many talents, gift giving is not among them."

The knights laughed a little, before Gwaine threw an arm around Arthur. "Don't worry mate, we'll help you find the perfect gift for your best friend."

"He's not my best friend." Arthur argued.

"My apologies," Gwaine said, "I meant to say your brother."

***** LINE BREAK *****

Merlin looked over the gifts he'd gotten his friends.

He got Lancelot a rather flamboyant hat, since he'd once told him he'd always wanted one, but never wanted to waste the money on one. He put a charm on it so that he'd feel happier any time he wore it. He baked some biscuit cookies that Lancelot had once made for him and declared to be his favorite treat. They were excellent for dipping in a warm drink.

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