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SHE HAD never felt air so cold before

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SHE HAD never felt air so cold before. Having been in the Reach her entire life, she only knew the warmth from the sun.

Helaena always thought that she would marry a Southern Lord, such as a Hightower or even a Tarly. Never had she thought her hand in marriage would be given to a Northerner, much less a man from the noble house of Stark. When her mother came to her with the news, she was utterly speechless. She could tell, however, that with her mother's tone of voice, she was not happy about the arrangement.

It had always been the three of them - Hera, Helaena and Henri. Occasionally, their father would be by their side, but that was more so during meals. Hera never left their sides, though. That's what made this hard on Helaena; she had never been separated from her family, but now that day has come.

The young woman took one last look out of the window as her brother climbed out of the carriage. This is home now, she told herself, staring up at the stone walls. Forcing a smile on her face, the girl stood from her seat and stepped onto the ground she would now live on.

She stood beside her mother, whom stared at the Stark family. Helaena couldn't tell what her mother was thinking, whether she liked the family or not; her face remained hardened and stoic.

Helaena's light eyes wandered towards the Starks, as well. She watched as Lord Eddard followed behind the King into the castle.

"Where's the Imp?" one of the younger children asked aloud, looking up at a girl with gorgeous flames of hair. Helaena couldn't tell, at first, whether the child was a boy or a girl.

Her eyes immediately fixated on her Aunt Cersei as she marched towards Hera and their brother, Jaime. "Where is our little brother?" she questioned her younger siblings.

Hera looked to Jaime, who was much more likely to know. He shrugged his shoulders in response, though. Queen Cersei commanded, "Go find the little beast."

Hera turned back towards the remaining Starks and made her way to the Lady Catelyn. Helaena and Henri both followed, staying behind the woman. Hera grinned, greeting, "Lady Stark, it's a pleasure."

Catelyn nodded her head, a small smile on her face, "The pleasure is ours, Lady Arlington."

"Hera, please," the woman corrected. Catelyn nodded her head once more. "These are my children, Henri and Helaena." Both of the golden haired highborns smiled at the sound of their names.

"This is Rickon, Robb, Sansa, Arya and Bran," Lady Stark pointed out.

Robb. He's the one Helaena is to marry. She had been waiting for this moment for months - the moment she would meet her husband.

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