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SONG OF THE SINNERSHENRI Icontains sexual content

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TWO SWORDS clashed together. Henri pulled his away from the other, immediately swinging down again. The other boy blocked it, striking the blond's so hard, it fell from his hands. Henri held his hands up in defeat, grinning as Jon pointed the tip of the sword at his chest.

"Alright, pretty boy, you win," Henri winked at the Bastard of Winterfell.

Jon Snow sighed in exhaustion, lowering his sword. The young Lord Arlington felt a hand pat him on the shoulder from behind. "You did good," Robb stated.

Jon nodded his head, "Held your own longer than I expected."

Henri shrugged his shoulders, replying, "What my father didn't teach me, my uncle did. And I thank the Gods for that."

"He wasn't much of a swordsman?" Jon asked, setting his sword back onto the tabletop it was on.

Henri shook his head as he picked up his sword from the ground, "He wasn't much of anything to me." The boy sat his sword on top of Jon's.

"Arya!" a small boy shouted as he ran through the courtyard. "Get back here!"

The youngest Stark girl attempted to race past the three men, but Robb held his arms out, stopping her in her tracks, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is going on?"

"Uh, Bran is chasing me," Arya answered, trying to run off.

Robb held onto her, a grin on his face as he questioned, "I see that, but why?"

She kept her mouth shut as Bran caught up to them. Jon grabbed the boy, lifting him up into the air as he reached out for Arya. "Let me down!" Bran wiggled in Jon's arms.

"What's going on?" Jon asked the boy.

"She ate my last slice of pie!" Bran urged, still trying to reach for his older sister.

"And it was delicious," Arya stuck her tongue out at her brother as Robb sat her down.

Henri knelt down to the young girl's height. "You're quite the wild one, aren't you?" he questioned her. She remained silent, staring at him with a hardened expression. A wide grin stretched across his face as he stated, "Wild ones are my favorites."

Arya then smiled herself, shrugging her shoulders in response, "Well, I have been told that a few times."

"Only a few?" the blond boy cocked a single eyebrow, leaving the girl smiling mischievously. "You know, I remember when my sister was like you. I would have to chase her all through the Blooming Hill Gardens. I could never catch up to her." Arya giggled, glancing over at her brother as Jon let him down. "Until my legs grew longer. Then she learned to not pick on me anymore." Henri turned towards Bran whom simply smirked, letting out a soft chuckle. He stood up straight, patting Bran on the back.

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