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THERE WAS a chill in the air as Helaena led her younger brother through Winterfell's ancient Godswood

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THERE WAS a chill in the air as Helaena led her younger brother through Winterfell's ancient Godswood. The two of them were raised under the Faith of the Seven, so naturally, curiosity clouded their minds. They had always heard stories of the sacred Trees With Faces in the North. It was hard for them to fathom that the people of the North actually worshipped trees.

They emerged into a clearing, where a pond laid underneath a large white tree with a broad trunk and winding branches. Its leaves were red, dancing on the branches with the wind, reflecting in the black pool of water below. Then, Helaena's eyes met with the weirwood's face; a pair of carved eyes stared back at her, as if reading her soul over.

"I heard a story that Northernmen stick their hands in its mouth and make oaths. If they don't fulfill the promise, they suffer the wrath of the Old Gods," Henri explained as he stared at the face of the weirwood. Helaena felt a dry lump form in her throat.

Henri grinned from ear to ear as he ran toward the tree's face. Helaena grasped the sides of her dress, lifting the bottom hem from the ground before she chased after him. A knot formed in the pit of the girl's stomach as she inches closer to the Face.

She watched as Henri then placed his hand inside Its mouth. "Henri!"

The boy laughed, shrugging his shoulders at his sister, "What's the problem? You believe in the Seven, don't you?"

"Well, yes," Helaena twiddled her fingers together.

"So are you afraid this will prove Your God false?" Henri questioned. The girl huffed in defeat. She hated when her brother would drag her into things – all she wanted to do was see the Face Tree.

Helaena took one step forward, taking a deep breath in. She held her hand inside the mouth of the Sacred Tree of the North. She felt a shiver race up her spine.

"I, Henri Arlington of Myalov – "

"Lord," his sister corrected him.

Henri cleared his throat and nodded his head before beginning again, "I, Lord Henri Arlington of Myalov, hereby promise to," he paused. His eyebrows lowered and his left hand reached his chin. He pondered for a moment before stating, "Well, I really don't know what oath to make. There's so many choices. What are you vowing?"

"Simple," Helaena shrugged. "I, Lady Helaena Arlington of Myalov, hereby vow to never cause harm to my loved ones." Goosebumps rushed up her arm. A wolf howled in the distance.

Henri rolled his eyes, "That's far too easy. Where's the excitement? Where's the adventure? Where's the mystery?"

"My oath is honorable and grounded."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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