23 night

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 It was already dark when they got to Tsukinoya and by the time their food arrived the moon hung just a sliver higher in the sky, a pale lobe of light shining feebly from beyond the dirty stained windows. Himuro had ordered another ramen, which he dug into without restraint once the waitress brought it out. Seated in the booth opposite of him, Tatsuhito couldn't help but eye him critically as he took up his chopsticks.

"Are you sure this is alright? Leaving Riyu to watch them on her own."

The young man glanced up at him from beneath his unkempt orange mop, jaws working idly over a mouthful of food. Then he let out a small chuckle.

"Don't worry about that," he said between chews. "Kamome-dono can handle herself."

"The lord sent you to keep an eye on them."

"Their captain, you mean. Who's still here."

"You don't need to remind me."

Himuro let out an exasperated sigh when Tatsuhito maintained his skeptical expression.

"Where is Mototatsu-sama?"

"Don't know. Probably with Yanjirō-dono. Last I heard they had some last minute business to attend to before our departure tomorrow..." Tatsuhito frowned. "So he still hasn't moved?"



A flash of annoyance crossed Himuro's face. He thinned his eyes and kept tucking away spoonfuls of broth.

"Do you think we'd be sitting around here so casually if he had?"


"At least he's nowhere near your brother's place now –" Himuro paused, noting Tatsuhito's immediate grimace. "What's with that face? It's been hours since and he hasn't tried anything."

"Yet. If he's still here, then that means he hasn't given up."

"Never underestimate a pirate's stubbornness, I suppose..." Himuro answered in an appeasing voice. He thought for a moment, before adding absently: "Remember that she's there, too."


"Arisa-san." A pause. "You really think she'll let him try anything?"

"I wouldn't be surprised by anything at this point –" Tatsuhito stopped short, squaring his shoulder defensively when he caught Himuro's incredulous expression. "That's not what I meant."

"I never said anything."


A small silence bloomed as they continued to eat.

"...it's the lord I'm really worried about, you know," Tatsuhito presently muttered.

Himuro arched a brow, waiting.

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