08 en route to amenoka-jima

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The infirmary was located somewhere in the labyrinth of cramped corridors that made up the Polar Tang's middle level

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The infirmary was located somewhere in the labyrinth of cramped corridors that made up the Polar Tang's middle level. Following Ikkaku and Clione there, Arisa counted at least five turns after leaving the stairwell before they reached their destination. Once inside the actual compartment, though, she was secretly surprised to find that the room was no less wanting in terms of space and provisions than the ward where Teru worked back at Valeris Island. Three empty cots lined the back walls, each separated by white curtains. A first aid station was also set up in the adjacent corner, complete with several medicine cabinets, a counter, desk, and a sink.

Clione went and sat on the swivel chair, turning himself about this way and that as Ikkaku disappeared into the supply closet. Unsure of where to go, Arisa found herself hovering restlessly near the entrance. Clione caught her eye and ceased spinning to shoot her a good-natured smile.

"I'm guessing this'll be your first transit on a sub?"

"Oh... yes. For me and Riyu both." Arisa paused, listening to the din of footsteps and voices which echoed through the hull, and cracked a small smile. "Is it always this hectic?"

Clione nodded fondly and began spinning again.

"Yup, without fail. Once we're off, most of the boys gotta work nonstop to keep this thing running. Eighteen hours a day, six hours a shift. Course, things slow down a bit once we get cruising depth - it's mostly maintenance to deal with then. Still gotta keep to schedule, though. Right, nee-san?"

Ikkaku had returned from the supply closet, her face closed off. Leaving Clione's question hanging in the air, she marched over and shoved a cloth bundle into Arisa's arms.

"Here. For you and your friend."

Arisa glanced down, mentally taking account of the items. They were mostly basic toiletries - towels, soap, toothpaste and the like. However, a small bottle of pills caught her eye.

"What are these?"

Ikkaku had retreated to Clione's side. She leaned back, propping herself up against the counter by her elbows.

"Dimenhydrinate tablets," she answered brusquely, brushing a curly strand from her face. "You said this will be your first time aboard a submarine, right?"

Arisa raised an eyebrow, puzzled. The last time she'd been seasick had to have been during her inaugural trip to Amenoka-jima as a child. Now, as accustomed as she and Riyu had grown to extended voyages, the idea that either of them would need the medicine felt slightly preposterous.

"Is it that bad?"

Ikkaku only shrugged.

"It depends."

"It depends?" Clione chuckled, shaking his head. "C'mon, don't sugarcoat it, nee-san! You've been a rookie, too!" He wheeled his chair closer and lowered his voice conspiratorially. "No joke, newbies aboard the Tang typically spend the first week or so puking their guts into a bucket. Take that as a warning, Chidori-san!"

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