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	"Iroha went

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"Iroha went... missing?" Uzuki Misokatsu repeated blankly.

Hachinobe Tatsuhito ceased his pacing and scrambled to the floor to kneel before the Transponder Snail.

"Yes sir. Apparently she's been unaccounted for since early morning. There's no doubt in my mind that this is Chidori-dono's doing!" He shook his head frantically. "The timing is unmistakable; the last time I spoke with her, she was at Yamizo Island, which is a week's voyage from Minetsuki. Surely she means to follow through on her plan to bring those pirates to Takanotsume Island!" He gritted his teeth in frustration and bowed his head low to the floor. "It's all my fault! I should've known she wouldn't have let up so easily!"

Sitting beside him, Isseki Yanjirō huffed out a sigh and rested his fan against his knee.

"Don't be ridiculous, Kijibato-dono!" he broke in, leaning in with a frown. "Shiori is solely to blame for going along with that woman's idiotic whims." He too straightened his posture and bowed to the Snail. "I take full responsibility for my daughter's error in judgment, Misokatsu-sama!"

"Please forgive us!" Tatsuhito bowed again.

"If Iroha has been missing since morning, she's probably long breached the Remote Clime barrier..." Misokatsu mused. He paused to consider for a moment. "...and you mentioned they are set to arrive at Takanotsume?"

"I did." Tatsuhito looked up, desperation bleeding into his voice. "Leave this to me, my lord! I will go over there myself and convince Chidori-dono and Kamome-dono of their foolishness!"

"Very good," Yanjirō nodded in a rare moment of sanguinity. "Once they've come to their senses, expelling a single pirate crew would be a trivial matter for the three of you!"

Misokatsu let out a small chuckle.

"It isn't like you to back such hasty measures, Yanjirō."

"Nonsense! This may very well be an active threat; we need to respond as swiftly as possible!" Yanjirō narrowed his eyes, waving the folded fan for emphasis. "With Mototatsu-sama's presence here at Hidamari Village, how can we afford to take any chances?"

"Ah, yes. Speaking of which." The Snail's eyes riveted over to Tatsuhito. "Kijibato. Is your brother aware of this at all?"

"N-not yet, sir." Tatsuhito ducked his chin and cleared his throat self-consciously. "He and Koga-sama are still settling in from their long journey. Besides..." He visibly hesitated. "...I thought it would be unwise to bring up any mention of the pirates, especially after the security scare they had with that maid yesterday..."

"Hmm. I see..." Misokatsu sank into another ruminative silence.

Tatsuhito glanced anxiously over to Yanjirō, who merely lifted his shoulders in a light shrug. He turned back to the Snail, leaning in closer.

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