01 the game begins

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Just as how the fabric of this universe is upheld in binary between REIKAI (Spirit Realm) and KENKAI (Visible Realm), so the human soul is bifurcated between the mutual states of KON (spirit) and HAKU (corporeal)

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Just as how the fabric of this universe is upheld in binary between REIKAI (Spirit Realm) and KENKAI (Visible Realm), so the human soul is bifurcated between the mutual states of KON (spirit) and HAKU (corporeal). As such, it has been posited that there exists two antithetical living energies which may manifest in all sentient beings: RYŪŌ, representative of self-determination and order, and KYŌKI, representative of mania and chaos...

From YŌGARI: AS AN ART AND TRADITION (circa 845) by Kōzuki Sokyō


Horiki stood silently at the back corner of the office with his wrists bound together at his back. A thin length of chain secured his cuffs and leg shackles to the rails of a metal bench affixed behind him; the gleaming metal links clicked and coiled against the tiles as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Two other men resided to his left, wordless and sullen-faced and similarly fettered. Horiki studied them closely from the corners of his eyes. From their ragged attire, one could easily assume they were nothing more than local vagrants who'd been busted for loitering or something of the like. Nuisances for sure, but ultimately harmless.

His nose wrinkled reflexively as a pungent whiff of body odor registered from the fellow next to him.

Harmless. Not to mention filthy.

The ensign stood only a scant few meters away, the bold JUSTICE logo mocking them from the off-white of his uniform. He was leant languidly over the counter as he spoke loudly into a miniature Transponder Snail receiver. A handheld Tone Dial sat near one propped elbow, emitting a steady stream of tinny folk music which drowned out the voice on the receiving end.

"...yessir, I'm pretty sure it's the fella Vergo-san spoke bout last week. Sim'lar height and build. Not to mention em scars. By God aren't they a sight. Uh-huh. ...Well there ain't no more em transport ships comin by this week I don't think...."

The stench was growing worse by the second. Horiki shuffled sideways as far as the chain would allow him, timing his steps such that the sound was completely blanketed by the swell of music. He began to fidget with something behind his back.

" ...Yessir. Don't you worry sir. I'll see to gettin him processed and fingerprinted with the other two for now. Worst case we'll jus keep him here nice and mum til Vergo-san sends someone over to fetch him. Yessir. Thank you sir."

The ensign hung up and strode around the counter to retrieve a set of keys from a locked compartment, humming along to the Tone Dial as he went. Horiki grew very still. His eyes remained glued to the Marine as he came back around to unchain the first man and escort him over to one of the barred holding cells.

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