18 unforgiven

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CASE NO. 2306-4837


[REDACTED], 1518


That's the name of the girl at the bar.

I hadn't expected to see her ever again, so imagine my shock when Perkins introduced them to us today – both her and the officer she'd been with.

Can't deny that I was a little reluctant to meet them at first. Even though everything turned out for the better, it's still embarrassing that they'd seen me in such a vulnerable situation. At least the officer clearly doesn't remember – he didn't show any signs of recognition when we shook hands.

He is called Yukito and is also a part of the visiting party from Valeris Island. Though apparently he isn't affiliated with the Academy at all, just close friends with several other graduates. He and Perkins were also stationed at the same outpost in the New World, hence the connection.

There are parts of him that remind me a lot of Anson. Friendly & outgoing – a bit absentminded too.

Arisa is definitely harder to read, and I wouldn't be surprised if she did remember. But thankfully she didn't bring it up either.

I'd also assumed she was also a member of the visiting party. But interestingly enough, they told me that she had arrived separately, though around the same time as them. She is getting over some health issues & her family had sent her here with the hopes that a change of scenery would help in her recovery. Yukito is a family friend who'd been asked by Arisa's older sister to keep her company, since she doesn't know that many people here.

I mentioned that I was a patient at the Medical Center, and Arisa seemed to perk up at that. She said that I might see her around there sometime, since her doctor was slated to visit for a research conference hosted there.

Yotsuji, I think she said his name was.

The name was only vaguely familiar to me, but apparently he's quite a big deal in the medical world.




A crooked seam formed a rift across the Nightingale's impassive face as Ikkaku tore the wanted poster down its front, desiccating the faded image into jagged strips. She balled up the fragments into her fist and lobbed them into the waste basket for good measure, before throwing herself into the swivel chair with a muttered oath.

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