Bio and Backstory

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Name: Y/N Baratheon

Personality: Honorable, Funny, Kind of a drunk like Robert, Likes women, A Great Worrior and Swordsman.

Likes: Robert, Stannis, Renly, Shireen, Eddard Stark, Jon Arryn, Tyrion Lannister, Myrcella, Tommen, Fighting, Drinking, and Women.

Dislikes: Joffrey, Cersei, Jaime, Tywin Lannister, Petyr Baelish, and all those who stand in his way to claim the Iron Throne.

Steffon Baratheon (Deceased)
Cassana Estermont (Deceased)
Robert Baratheon (Older Brother)
Stannis Baratheon (2nd Older Brother)
Renly Baratheon (Youngest Brother)

Ancestral Home:
Storm's End

Ancestral Home:Storm's End

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Armor and Sword:

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Background:Y/N Baratheon was born in the Storm Lands in their ancestral home Storm's End he was the third son of Lord Steffon and Lady Cassana

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Y/N Baratheon was born in the Storm Lands in their ancestral home Storm's End he was the third son of Lord Steffon and Lady Cassana.

He witnessed his parents ship sink at Shipbreaker Bay, after their parents death Robert goes to the Eyrie to be fostered by Jon Arryn while Stannis and Y/n train in Storms End, Renly is still a child and Y/N takes care of him, Y/n loves his brothers they are the only family he got left so he gives them all his love and support, through the years Y/n has become a great swordsman some say his just as good as Ser Arthur Dayne "The Sword of the Morning" but his still not battle tested yet until that day came when The Mad King Aerys Targaryen Burned alive Lord Rickard Stark and his son Brandon Stark at the Red Keep and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped Lyanna Stark Robert's betrothed.

Robert came home to the Stormlands and call their banners to rebel against the Mad King.

When Robert left Storms End Y/n joined him in his conquest in Robert's Rebellion, in the days of marching they reach Summerhall where the first big battle where robert defeated three loyalist lords Y/n slayed his first man there he was at first shocked and afraid but Robert encourage him by saying " Remember our house words little brother, Ours is the Fury" from that moment Y/n lashed out all his fury to all their enemies some say he killed a hundred men that day his sword "Stag's Strenght" all red that if you look at it from a far it looked like a sword made of ruby stone, after the battle of Summerhall Robert faced a big defeat at Ashford in the hands of Lord Mace Tyrell, Robert and his forces retreated at Stony Sept and hide there while loyalist men searched the town and then Lord Eddard Stark and Lord Hoster Tully came with their men and saved Robert it was called the Battle of the Bells after Stark and Tully troops came Roberts men came out of hiding and lunched a counter attack on the enemy and won the battle Y/n killed alot of their enemies that day more than the ones he killed at Summerhall he was like the worrior himself the men started calling him "The Mighty Stag" after regrouping The Biggest battle of the war came at the Trident.
Rhaegar led an army of loyalist with two his Kingsguard Ser Barristan Selmy and Prince Lewyn Martell, Robert and Rhaegars forces clashed.

Rhaegar's army was fresh and slightly larger, but Robert's was more battle-hardened, and they slowly gained ground.

Rhaegar and Robert spotted each other across the battlefield and rode out to fight, resulting in an epic duel which raged for hours as the battle dragged on around them. Robert killed Rhaegar with a mighty blow from his war hammer, which caved in Rhaegar's breastplate.

His armor had been studded with red rubies, which were sent flying through the ford in the river.
It has been known as the "Ruby Ford" since.

Their leader killed, the Targaryen army collapsed, and the rebels were victorious. That same day Y/n Baratheon slayed Prince Lewyn Martell and injured Ser Barristan Selmy , Robert stopped Y/n for killing Ser Barristan saying his a great worrior and told his personal maester to look after him. Robert task Lord Eddard Stark and his Brother Y/n Baratheon to go to Kings Landing in his stead when they reached Kings Landing Tywin Lannister has already sacked the city Y/n saw disappointment in Ned's eyes when they reached the Red Keep they saw Jaime Lannister sitting on the Iron Throne his sword red with the blood of the Mad King while the king himself lay at his feet Y/n felt anger rise in him while starring at the "Kingslayer" he was supposed to protect the king but instead he stabbed his king in the back like a coward he is.

When Robert finally came to Kings Landing and claimed the Iron Throne and Tywin Lannister presented to him the remains of Pricess Ellia Martell and her childeren, Ned was furious and demanded that the Lannisters shall be punished for their crimes Robert looked at his brother but Y/n only said he will lift the siege of the Tyrells on Storm's End and left the capital.
Y/n reached Storm's End and pushed back the Tyrell forces after that he went in and thank the gods for keeping his brothers safe.

Robert becomes king of the seven kingdoms he gave Stannis Dragonstone and he gave Storm's End to Y/n while Renly stayed with Y/n at Storm's End.

Eight Years after Robert's Rebellion The Greyjoys rebelled against the Iron Throne Balon Greyjoy declared himself king of the Iron Islands and attacked the western shores of the Westernlands and the Reach, King Robert called all the lords of westeros to attack the rebelling Greyjoys Robert tasked Y/n to take the royal fleet and destroy the Iron Fleet and Y/n did just that he destroyed them easily their longships are no match to the big galleys of the royal fleet after destroying the Iron Fleet Y/n joined Robert's forces at the battle to come in the Iron Islands, after reaching the iron islands Y/n helped Robert at the siege of Pyke he slew Malon Greyjoy one of the oldest son of Balon Greyjoy.

Balon Greyjoy finally surrendered and kneel before Robert and pledge his fealty while Robert ordered Ned Stark to take Balon's last son and if Balon tries to rebel again Ned will send him his son's head.

A/N: I hope you like the little backstory on what happened in the Seven Kingdoms before the start of the real Game of Thrones. I also hope you like the backstory of our main character Y/n Baratheon, I made little changes so our character will fit right in the story. So Chapter 1 is the start of Y/n adventures and struggles. The photos I used is not mine I just took them in google hehehe.

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