King of The Six Kingdoms

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Kings Landing

After a few days after Y/n Baratheon and his allies defeated the Lannisters and took the capital he is now seen looking at none other than The Iron Throne

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After a few days after Y/n Baratheon and his allies defeated the Lannisters and took the capital he is now seen looking at none other than The Iron Throne.

All of his allies and other lord and ladies are gathered in the Throne Room while the High Septon is standing at the side of the throne, he looked at Y/n still looking at the throne, he then gestures him towards it "Your grace" the Septon said, Y/...

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All of his allies and other lord and ladies are gathered in the Throne Room while the High Septon is standing at the side of the throne, he looked at Y/n still looking at the throne, he then gestures him towards it "Your grace" the Septon said, Y/n snapped out of his trance and walk towards the throne and finally sat upon it "May the Warrior grant him courage and protect him in these perilous times. May the Smith grant him strength that he might bear this heavy burden. And may the Crone, she that knows the fate of all men, show him the path he must walk and guide him through the dark places that lie ahead. In the light of the Seven, I now proclaim Y/n of the House Baratheon First of His Name. King of the Andals and the First Men and Lord of the Six Kingdoms. Long may he reign!" The High Septon announced "Long may he reign!" repeated the others, the lords and ladies are not walking towards him greeting him "Your Grace" he nods to them and after they all greeted him he stands and all looked at him "My first duty as king is of course you all know is choosing a Hand" he said chuckling while the others smiled at him "Prince Oberyn of House Martell will you do the honor of being Hand of the King?" He asked The Prince of Dorne and Prince Oberyn went infront of the crowd and kneel before him "I will be honored to be your hand my king" said Prince Oberyn as he stands up "Now we all know that a king should have a queen and I think I just know the right one *looks at Tyene* my Lady Tyene Sand I have asked you before and I will asked you again in front of the people, will you be my queen?" He asked the woman he love "Yes my king I will be your queen and I will give you all my love and support" she said then walks up to him and they kissed and the crowd cheered.

At the evening they are feasting to celebrate their victory and Y/n's coronation, Y/n is walking around greeting people he then walk towards the table of the Starks and Tullys "Your grace *looks at Talisa* your grace, my lords and lady, I am very grateful for our alliance and as promised you help me win the iron throne now I'll help you reclaim the North against the ironborn" Y/n told them "I am grateful aswell your grace and I appreciate the help, I hope our alliance will last a long time" Robb said smiling at the Baratheon king, Y/n raised his cup "To The Starks of The North" he said "To The Baratheons of The South" Robb replied and they drink their wine then hugged each other, he then walks towards the Tarlys "Lord Randyll I haven't got the right time to tell you that I am grateful for your help in this war" Y/n said smiling at the lord "I am glad to be of service your grace" Lord Randyll said shaking hands with the king and raised his cup "House Tarly will stand behind House Baratheon until the end of time" Lord Tarly said "And House Baratheon will always welcome House Tarly at our table and will not asked anything that will dishonor your house" Y/n said and they toast, Y/n then walked over to the Martells "Prince Oberyn thank you for accepting the role as my hand" Y/n said gratefuly "Its a great honor your grace, I will do whatever I can to serve you, *looked at Tyene* and soon your not just going to be my king, your going to be my son by law *laughs*" Prince Oberyn said patting the king in the back "Should I start calling you father now" Y/n remarked and they both laugh and hugged each other and drink till their hearts content.

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