The Beginning

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Nine Years Later
Kings Landing

Y/n is seen walking around the Red Keep waiting for his brother the king from his hunting trip until he hears " Uncle, uncle" he looked back and saw Prince Tommen the youngest son of Robert, he smiled warmly at his nephew and greeted him "My prince is there something you need?" Tommen pouted at him "You dont need to call me that uncle Y/n I told you many time before" Y/n chuckles "You must get used to it especially here at court *looks around* well I guess its just you and me here at this very hallway so Tommen what do you need?" "Mother wants me to tell you that Lord Varys told her that father has arrived *innocently smiled at him*" "Thats a lot of words but I believe you just told me your father is back *poked tommens forehead*" they both laugh and he carried Tommen back to the throne room, they arrived the throne room and he saw his brother sitting in the Iron Throne his Kingsguard guarding him, he put tommen down "run along to your mother I'll just speak to your father" Tommen do as he told and ran while waving at his uncle.

Y/n then looked at his brother he gained a lot weight since he last saw him "Brother hows the hunt?" He asked "Ah Y/n you should have been there *laughs* got a wild boar big f*cker aimed my spear right between his eyes * laughs*" "Bet it was a sight to see *chuckles* how are you brother its been a while" Y/n said smiling at his brother "Nine years where the seven hells have you been" replied Robert "I was quite busy you know guarding Stormlands but its great to be here in the capital I like seeing the children" Y/n said "Why dont you marry a beautiful girl that will give you children of your own" said Robert looking sad for his brother "Well married life ain't suitable for me *laughs*" they both laugh "It is for me too I suppose" said Robert laughing again then he looked at his brother with a serious face, Y/n saw the change of demeanor of Robert and his smile faded "What's the reason you summon me here for your grace" he said to the king "Your my brother I could never ask anything from you but I need you now more than ever" Robert said to his brother "Need you to hunt down Viserys Targaryen and his sister in Essos" he said to Y/n "I will do as you command your grace" he told the king and bows "I will return to the Stormlands and gather some men then the hunt will begin *winks at his brother*" King Robert looked at his brother shocked at his response he thought he would deny the request or even speak against it but he agreed nonetheless "Safe travels brother I wish you all the luck in the world" Robert told his brother whose at the door of the throne room, Y/n looked back at his brother then smiled "Ours is the Fury" he said then he raised his right arm then balled his fist and he left.

At the stables Lord Petyr Baelish came up to him "Mighty Stag its an honor to meet you again" he bows while grinning "Littlefinger what are you doing here I believe you should be in your establishment in this hour" Y/n said nonchalantly "Ah yes if I may ask why aren't you in my establishment in this hour" Littlefinger replied "The king gave me a task to do so I'm going back to the stormlands" Y/n said "Well I bid you farewell Mighty Stag until our next meeting" Baelish bow, Y/n climbed his horse then rode off.

After a month of riding Y/n reached Storm's End and he's greeted by his brother Renly "home so soon I was thinking your going to stay at the capital for a couple of days" said Renly
"Things change I will be traveling to essos to hunt down the remaining Targaryens" Y/n replied while climbing down his horse then he huged Renly and they went inside the castle "Renly I will be leaving Storm's End in your care I will be gone for a long time I believe *chuckles* *he looked at Maester Cassel* maester I need five thousand men assembled until the fortnight then I'll leave for essos" said Y/n "At once my lord" the maester said then walks off to his tower.

Days pass and Y/n is leaving to Essos with five thousand baratheon men, he climbed inside the ship then looked at Renly "Take care of the stormlands little brother, always remember what I taught you and you'll be just fine *smiles at renly* farewell brother I'll write to you whenever I can and of course news if I successfully killed the Targaryen bastard *laughs*" "I will do the best I can brother safe travels" Renly said as his brothers ship sailed away.

Five days of sailing Y/n Baratheon finally landed at Pentos he was greeted by Illyrio Mopatis "Greetings my friends I am Illyrio Mopatis the magister of the free City of Pentos may I ask who are you?" "I am Y/n of the house Baratheon Lord of Storm's End and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands" replied Y/n "Ah King Robert Baratheons brother I welcome you and your men at my palace you are welcome to stay for as long as you like, may I escort you inside my lord so you could rest" Illyrio said with a smile "Thank you ,please lead the way" Y/n said.

Illyrio escorted him inside the castle "If you need anything I am yours to command my lord" Illyrio said with a bow "No need to be so formal Illyrio we came here as friends so please drink with me" Y/n said with a smile offering him a cup of wine "Very well" Illyrio takes the cup and they drink and had small talks then Y/n ask the all knowing question "Illyrio if I may ask, do you know where Viserys Targaryen is hiding?" He looked at Illyrio with a serious face then emptied his cup with one gulp, Illyrio's face flushed as he asked he knows that Robert Baratheon wants to kill the Targaryens so he answered.
"Well -

A/N: Thats the first chapter folks I hope you guys liked it and please tell me your thoughts in this story 😁. So until next time Chapter two "The Hunt Begins"

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