Let The Siege Begin

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The Reach

Y/n Baratheon and his forces arrived at Ashford killing the Tyrell soldiers there and there are also wagons that should be delivered to Kings Landing "Move it men take all their wagons and add them to our supplies, only kill those who resisted you...

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Y/n Baratheon and his forces arrived at Ashford killing the Tyrell soldiers there and there are also wagons that should be delivered to Kings Landing "Move it men take all their wagons and add them to our supplies, only kill those who resisted you and leave the innocents be" Y/n commanded, the men nod and done their work theres a little resistance but not many to oppose them "What's our next move your grace?" asked Lord Connington "Well my lord all the Tyrell's are in Kings Landing so their is no one blocking our way to Highgarden" Y/n said looking at their map "The Tyrell army is in the capital and the Lannister army is busy fighting the Young Wolf so Highgarden is ripe for the taking" said Lord Swann "Exactly, by taking the seat of House Tyrell we have control in all their land and we can stop their cargo from going to the capital, so with no food and supplies the people in the capital will starve and their will be chaos and no supplies will go to their armies so they will be weak, by doing that I think we will be doing The King in the North a favor *laughs*" Y/n said and drinks from his cup "Your grace I think we should speak with Robb Stark to have an alliance agains Joffrey" suggested Lord Estermont "Yes I think your right lord estermont to win this war we need allies, *looked at Royce* Royce I need you to ride to Riverrun and tell Robb Stark that I am willing to make a truce and if he's willing we will meet him at Harrenhal" Y/n said, Royce nods and left "In the meantime my lords lets focus at the task of taking Highgarden" Y/n told the lords and they all nod and leave the tent "Your grace the women that you asked for has arrived" one of the guards said outside his tent "Let them in" he said and the girls goes in the tent then they have a wonderful evening.

Kings Landing

Tywin Lannister is writing at his desk and then Lady Olenna Tyrell comes in his office "Can I help you lady Olenna?" asked Tywin still writing "The Mighty Stag is attacking the Reach I think we should do something about it" said lady Olenna "Ah yes, may I remind you that the Lannister army is busy dealing with Robb Stark and if the Tyrell army leave the capital Stannis Baratheon might attack again leaving Kings Landing undefended" remarked Tywin "And may I remind you Lord Tywin the Reach is the only kingdom where you get food for the people and we have the gold to pay the crowns depts, so tell me if you lose the Reach can you win this war?" asked Lady Olenna "This is your war too my lady since you swear fealty to Joffrey" Tywin said looking up from his paper "The Tyrell army will leave twenty thousand soldiers to guard the capital while thirty thousand will go back to the Reach to stop Y/n Baratheon" Lady Olenna said then leaves the tower of the hand, Tywin then sends a letter to his brother Kevan in Casterly Rock to send ten thousand men to assist the Tyrells to defeat The Mighty Stag.



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