The Stag's Judgement

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Harrenahal, The Riverlands

A/N: Just imagine the Lannister Banners as Baratheons hehehe

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A/N: Just imagine the Lannister Banners as Baratheons hehehe.

Y/n Baratheon and his forces have been traveling for half a month so they stopped to camp at Harrenhal before reaching The Capital, Y/n Baratheon walks in Tywin Lannister's room cell and The Lion glared at the King "What do you want?" Tywin sternly said "I'm just here to ask you some questions my lord" Y/n said amused at the chained and full of dirt lord "Get on with it" Tywin said irritated "Did you order Ser Gregor Clegane to rape and muder Princess Elia Martell and her children?" Asked Y/n "I did" Tywin confessed "Why kill two innocent children and their mother?" Y/n asked anger in his voice "They were dragon spawn, I did it to help your brother get rid of the Targaryen's" Tywin honestly told the king "You could have spared them, they were all innocent, they could have stayed in Dorne or exile them" Y/n suggested "I cannot change the past, whats done is done, anymore questions?" Tywin asked looking the King in the eye "There will be a trial for you and your family uncluding the Tyrell's, there you could plea for your case" Y/n said and left the room "I want them all guarded day and night" he told the guards "Yes, your grace" they said.

Kings Landing

Tyene Baratheon woke up and get out of bed and her hand maidens helped her get dressed and fixed her hair then one of her hand maidens that is fixing her bed ask "When was the last time you bleed your grace?" And Tyene thought about it and then a ...

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Tyene Baratheon woke up and get out of bed and her hand maidens helped her get dressed and fixed her hair then one of her hand maidens that is fixing her bed ask "When was the last time you bleed your grace?" And Tyene thought about it and then a smile formed at her face "I think I'm with child" she said happily "Its such a good news to tell the king when he returned my queen" her maidens said "Yes it will be, I can see his reaction already" she said then laughs and her hand maidens laughs aswell.

After getting dressed and having breakfast Tyene was walking around The Red Keep with four Baratheon guards and she then saw Brienne of Tarth walking alone in the gardens so she approched her "Lady Brienne" she called and the lady saw the queen and bowed "Your grace, how can I be of service?" She asked the queen "Just walk with me my lady, I feel more comfortable and relaxed with another womans presence that the guards" The queen said giggling and Brienne laughs a little on what the queen said, they walked around the gardens of the Red Keep until they are overlooking the docks "Have you ever missed your home my queen?" Brienne asked her "Yes, Sunspear was my home but Kings Landing is my new home, what about you Lady Brienne? As I remember Tarth is in the Stormlands correct?" The queen asked her "Yes your grace, I was first Kingsguard to Renly Baratheon and when he died I pledge my self in service of Lady Catelyn Stark" Brienne told the queen "I am very sorry to hear about Lord Renly, my husband always said his brother was a good man and he loved him, he was very hard on himself on both Robert and Renlys deaths telling himself he should have been there to protect them" Tyene told her "I am hard on my self too your grace, I blame myself everyday for not protecting Renly" Brienne said with tears in her eyes and Tyene gave her a handkerchief and she wiped her tears "We all lost someone special to us, but we all must keep moving forward and think that their in a better place now, you said you failed Renly Baratheon and now you serve Catelyn Stark so learn from your mistakes Brienne, serve Lady Stark far better when you serve Renly" Tyene told her while holding her hands "I will your grace, thank you for the kind and motivational words" Brienne said and they continued walking and talking to each other until evening.

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