The Aftermath

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Infront of Winterfell the survivors of the great war gathered to honor their fallen comrades

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Infront of Winterfell the survivors of the great war gathered to honor their fallen comrades. Y/n Baratheon woke up in a room inside the castle "Take it easy your grace, your wound is still fresh" the maester said "Wheres everyone?" He asked "Their outside your grace, burning the dead" the maester told him and Y/n got up not listening to the maesters protest to stay in bed, he walked out the castle and saw everyone outside.

" We're here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters. To our fathers and mothers. To our friends. Our fellow men and women who set aside their differences... to fight together... and die together so that others might live. Everyone in this world owes them a debt that can never be repaid. It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory... for those who come after us... and those who come after them... for as long as men draw breath. They were the shields that guarded the realms of men. And we shall never see their like again." Jon said and they started to burn the bodies and Y/n saw the bodies of Royce Buckler, Robb Stark, Lord Randyll Tarly, Ser Jorah Mormont, Theon Greyjoy, Beric Dondarrion, and many more fallen comrades. Talisa Stark saw him and walk towards him "Your grace" she said "My queen, I am sorry for your lost, Robb was a good friend and I promised him that I will look after you and little Ned, so if you ever need my help just send me a raven and I'll do everything I can to help you" Y/n said hugging Talisa "Thank you your grace, your a good friend to us" she said and walks towards her mother in law, Y/n then walks up to Samwell Tarly "Sam, your father was a good and loyal man, he is one of the most honorable man I ever knew" He told him "Thank you your grace, he just apologized to me last night, I guess he got to tell me what he really wanted to say" Sam said with tears in his eyes "Honor your father Sam, and make him proud" He said and he sat and laid back into the wall and watched the bodies burn.

It was now in the evening and the feast to celebrate the victory has started, many feast and drink and have the time of their lives talking with friends. Y/n Baratheon, Daenerys Targaryen, and the Stark family are in the high table talking to each other "My lady your son is one if not the most caring man I ever knew, he was a cunning warrior and a good friend" Y/n told Lady Catelyn "He is your grace, Robb will be missed but never forgotten" Lady Stark said smiling at the king, Y/n then stood up "For Robb Stark! The King in The North!!!" Y/n shouted and all of them cheered. Daenerys on the other hand looked at the mighty stag and saw that the people loved him. People comes up to Y/n and they always said "Thank you for coming your grace, we appreciate the help" the lords said to the Baratheon King, she looked angry and walk out the feast.

In the morning they are all gathered in the great hall for the next plan. "We can take Kings Landing in less than a day my queen" Greyworm told Daenerys "Your grace, you can't surely be serious about attacking the capital, I mean King Y/n Baratheon lost most of his men here in the north" Jon said "Thats why we need to attack while the enemy is weak" Dany said "I thought we will have an agreement that we will talk after the great war?" Y/n asked her still holding his belly where he was stabbed "Lets talk then right here and now" Daenerys said and sat down "Leave us" she said and all the people left the great hall, Y/n then walked towards the table and sat across her "I have a offer to you if you don't mind?" Y/n asked her "What's the offer?" She asked "I will give you Dragonstone to rule over, you care for the common people as I do so I will name you my adviser and your children will marry my children, so House Targaryen bloodline still runs in the crown" Y/n said to her "I refuse, you give me your offer then I'll give you mine. Step down and give me the Iron Throne and I'll let you and your family live and return to the Stormlands to live peacefully or you will have war?" she asked him "Forgive me, but I can't do that, the people don't support you, they don't want another Targaryen in the throne, yes your family built a great dynasty but my brother destroyed that dynasty ever since he killed Prince Rhaegar in the trident" Y/n told her "War it is then" Daenerys said and left.

Y/n went outside to gather whats left of his men "Men lets move out, we must return to the capital" he said and the men prepared to go home. Lady Stark came up to him "I wish you safe travels your grace, you and your family are always welcome in the north" Lady Catelyn said "Thank you for your hospitality Lady Stark, I hope to see you and your family soon, remember I am always ready to help just send me a raven" he said and climbed his horse then marched back south to Kings Landing.

Kings Landing

After a month of riding Y/n Baratheon and his forces has returned to The Capital

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After a month of riding Y/n Baratheon and his forces has returned to The Capital.

Tyene saw their army outside their balcony and head towards the throne room to await her husband.

Y/n Baratheon is riding in the steets of Kings Landing and all the people greet him with smiles on their faces and he smiled and greet them back, he loved his people and he don't want to see them suffer.

When he reached The Red Keep he was greeted by his small council "Welcome back your grace, I hope you haven't got any trouble" Lord Varys said "I lost alot of good men up north, but the war is not over Daenerys Taegaryen is planning to attack the capital so we must be ready" He told his council and they bowed, he then reached the throne room and saw his wife waiting for him while carrying their son and he hugged them both "I thought I was going to die up there, that I won't get to see you again" Y/n said while kissing his wife and son "But your here now, you survived the great war" Tyene said smiling at her husband "But there is still a war against Daenerys Targaryen *looks at them* I need you to pack everything you and Renly need and head to Storm's End" he told her while walking towards their chambers "What do you mean, whats happening?" Tyene asked him "She will attack the capital and I want you both to be safe, so stay at Storm's End, Stannis will protect you, I'll meet you when all of this is over" he said kissing his wife and she kissed back and nods. They started to pack their things "Take mother with you ok? And don't return here unless I sent you a letter or a rider" Y/n said and she nods, they then went outside the red keep and a carriage waiting for them "I'll come get you when this is all over, I promise" Y/n promised his wife "Protect your mama ok Renly" he said kissing his sons head "Papa" he said and Y/n was shocked and had tears in his eyes "Yes, papa will see you soon" he said while they got inside the carriage "Take care of them for me mother" he told Ellaria and she kisses his forehead "I will and you take care of your father hmm?" She asked "I will mother" he said smiling at her and she smiled back and went inside the carriage then they rode off.

The King is in the small council chambers planning their defence "We need ships with scorpions hidden here near the cave so she won't see them, and of course our fleet will meet theirs in the open water, while the enemy aren't here, we will have men to escort the people out of the capital and into The Riverlads, Lord Edmure Tully has prepared camps where the people can stay so that will guve our soldiers more space to fight" he told them "We have hundreds of scorpions on top of the walls and some of the buildings so we are ready if she attacks with her dragons" Prince Oberyn said "We have twenty thousand men in the capital, think thats enough to defend the city" Y/n said "The Knights of The Vale is riding towards The Capital your grace, thirty thousand stong, they will be here in the fortnight" Lord Baelish reported "The Dragon Queen will attack up in two days time so we must hold them until the vale arrives or if we can defeat them with what we have now, so we need is luck on ourside" he told them and they all bowed and leave "I am ready for you Daenerys, so give me everything you got. I won't back down and I'll live up to the Baratheon words Our's is the Fury" he said to himself.

A/N: Thats it for this chapter folks. The last war is about to commence who would win, House Targaryen or House Baratheon? Lets find out in the next chapter "The Last War". So until next time. PEACE✌✌✌✌

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