Stepping into the Lion's Den

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Outside of Highgarden

Y/n Baratheon and his allies are ready to march, he left Lord Tarth and eight hundred men to guard Highgarden and of course their prisoner Ser Loras Tyrell, "Friends we are all here today because of one purpose and thats to stop the tyranny of House Lannister, they thought their golden lions, that they are untouchable, unbeatable but I beg to differ, we beat their armies at The Battle for The Reach, The Young Wolf embarrassed Tywin Lannister three times through this war *laughs* so my friends lets show The Mighty Tywin *laughs* that his reign of terror is over!!!!" Y/n said and they all cheered "Move Out!!!" He said and they marched towards Kings Landing.

Kings Landing

Tywin Lannister is seen reading the letter Y/n Baratheon sent him, he them called the small council "Is there any news to call such an emergency meeting father" said Cersei, Tywin then gave her the letter "The Mighty Stag has seventy thousand men ...

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Tywin Lannister is seen reading the letter Y/n Baratheon sent him, he them called the small council "Is there any news to call such an emergency meeting father" said Cersei, Tywin then gave her the letter "The Mighty Stag has seventy thousand men marching towards the capital" Tywin said "Thats more than we have" remarked Tyrion "Yes, more than we have" repeated Lord Varys "We have forty thousand men here in Kings Landing, and I got this *shows another letter* its from Lord Baelish from The Vale he said thirty thousand knights of the Vale will help us agains Y/n Baratheon" said Tywin "So the odds are in our favor if the Vale arrives just in time to save our necks" Tyrion said "It appears so, we must hold the capital until the vale arrives *stands up* so we must prepare for the coming siege" Tywin said and all leaves the room "*Looks at the letter* You asked me if I'm ready Mighty Stag, I will assure you I am ready as I'll ever be" Tywin said then left his chambers.

Cersei goes inside Joffreys chambers "I have news that Y/n Baratheon is marching towards the capital" Cersei said "I will break him as I did Stannis at the Blackwater" Joffrey said smirking "They call my uncle The Mighty Stag, I'll see for myself how mighty he really is" he said practicing his crossbow "Your uncle is a battle tested commander, he has proven himself in two wars and this is his third, he has never lost a battle, he even defeated three Dothraki Khals in Essos, I beg you my son stay in The Red Keep let you grandfather deal with him" begged Cersei "I will not be seen a coward!!!, I am THE KING!!!!!!!" Joffrey shouted then stormed out his chambers.

It was now evening and Tyrion is in their chambers eating with his new wife Sansa "My lady they say there would be a siege in the coming week, I want you to be brave and safe so I arranged a boat to sail you where ever you wanted to go" Tyrion said looking at his wife "They say my brother is marching with Lord Y/n is it true?" asked Sansa "Yes is appears that your brother has joined forces with The Mighty Stag" he said "Then I'll stay here" said Sansa "I want whats best for you my lady, forgive me but don't let your hopes up, we still have some tricks up our sleeves" Tyrion said then goes to bed.



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