Our's Is The Fury

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After days of sailing Y/n finally reaches their ancestral home Storm's End maester Cassel greets him in the courtyard of the castle "Welcome home my lord our people missed you greatly" the maester said "I'm glad to be home, shall we go to the great hall I think theirs so much to discuss I've been away for far too long" Y/n said to the maester "Of course my lord, I will answer all your questions if I can" maester Cassel said while escorting his lord to the great hall.

At the great hall Y/n is seen drinking pitchers and pitchers of wine "So tell me maester all thats happened in my absence" "At once my lord, well where to begin? Ah yes the death of your brother King Robert grieves us all, they say he was too drunk and missed his throw so the boar got him" the maester explained "No one can save robert from himself my big brother changed since Robert's Rebellion, I pity him" Y/n said sadly "The power of love its enjoyable and it feels good but it can also tore a person apart" maester Cassel said looking down in the fire place "Your brother Renly on the other hand he was loved by all, he built an army of a hundred thousand joining forces with House Tyrell but in the end he died, it was so sudden I weep for him I saw him grow up in this castle but we lost him anyway" maester Cassel said with watery eyes remembering Renly's childhood "Yes I loved Renly he was my little brother and I vowed to my mother and father that I will protect him but I wasn't here when he died and I will regret that until my dying day, *lookes up at the maester* Stannis did it he told me he murdered our brother" Y/n said tears falling in his eyes, he then drinks more wine "Tell me maester the events following my brother's deaths" he said to the maester while refilling his cup "Robb Stark has put up arms against Joffrey and the northeners calls him The King in the North, Stannis lay siege on Kings Landing but defeated by Tywin Lannister and the Tyrell's" the maester said "So the Tyrell's pledge themselves to Joffrey? That bastard of the queen and the kingslayer" he said irritated and give the letter to Cassel, the same letter that Ser Davos gave to him "So its true Lord Stark knows the truth thats why they executed him?" The maester asked and Y/n nodded and drinks more wine "We better rest maester tommorow will be a new day for House Baratheon" Y/n said then walks to his chambers.

At his chambers Y/n was writing a letter
It said "To the Lord's and Ladies of Westeros I write this letter so all of you can know that Joffrey Baratheon and his siblings are bastard children of Cersei Lannister and her brother Jamie Lannister The Kingslayer, King Robert Baratheon my brother has no legitimate heirs." He then took another paper then wrote "I Y/n of the House Baratheon proclaim myself as King of the Andals and the Firstmen, Rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." He then put his seal in both letters.

" He then put his seal in both letters

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Then he goes to bed and sleep.

The Next Day

In the morning he goes to the maesters tower "Maester Cassel I need you to rewrite this letters then send them to all the great lords and ladies of westeros" he told the maester, Cassel then reads the letters then looked at Y/n "At once Your Grace" he said and bowed then does his work "Oh and call our banners" "All of them your grace?" The maester asked, Y/n then smirked "All of them" he said, the maester bowed his head then returned to his task.

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