15. Seeing the Dress

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The next afternoon, Hermione and Rose were in their dormitory. They had finished their lessons for the day, and were now laying on their beds and relaxing.

"Is everything okay with you and Ron?" Hermione asked. "You didn't seem to be talking so much today."

"Yeah, we just had a bit of an argument yesterday," said Rose. "But it's okay."

"What was it about?" said Hermione.

Rose sat up in bed and turned to face Hermione. "Well... do you think I'm like a boy?" she asked.

Hermione looked at Rose thoughtfully. "I suppose you are a bit of a tomboy, if that's what you mean?" she said. "But why do you ask?"

"That's what Ron said to me," said Rose. "He thinks I'm like one of the guys."

"Ron is a bit insensitive, but I don't think he meant that as an insult," said Hermione. "But there's nothing wrong with being a tomboy rather than more girly. That's just who you are."

"Yeah, I guess," said Rose.

"Just be yourself, and don't worry about what anyone else thinks," said Hermione. "When you are comfortable being yourself, then you will be happy."

Rose flopped back down on her bed. "Yeah, I am comfortable being me," she said. "It doesn't matter what Ron thinks."

Hermione smiled. "Oh, I know what Ron thinks about you," she said. "I'm sure he meant it as a compliment really."

"You mean he likes me being a tomboy?" asked Rose.

"Yeah, something like that," said Hermione, then she gave a knowing smile.

Rose shrugged and picked up her book from beside her bed.

"So, umm, has anyone asked you to the Yule Ball yet?" Hermione asked, casually.

Rose put her book down again. "No, why?" she said.

"Oh, just wondering," said Hermione.

"I'm not even sure I want to go," said Rose.

"Oh, you have to go," said Hermione. "It will be so much fun. You'll regret it if you miss out."

"Yeah, I guess," said Rose. "So has anyone asked you to go with them?"

Hermione blushed and gave a coy smile. "Maybe..." she said.

"Someone's asked you. Who?" said Rose.

"Viktor Krum," said Hermione.

"Wow, really?" said Rose. "That's cool."

"Yeah, though I'm not really sure why he would have asked me to go with him," said Hermione. "I'm sure there are loads of other girls that he could have picked."

"Yeah, but he picked you," said Rose. "It's cos he could tell how great you are."

Hermione blushed. "I don't know about that," she said. "Oh, but there was something else."

Hermione jumped off her bed excitedly and rushed over to her dresser. When she opened it, she pulled out a dress. It was a pale pink silk dress and covered in frilly parts made of lace. Hermione held it up in front of her for Rose to see.

"What do you think?" Hermione asked.

"Mmmm, yeah, it looks okay," said Rose.

"You don't sound very convincing," said Hermione. "Maybe if I put it on?"

Hermione laid the dress down on her bed. Then she quickly took off her skirt and blouse. She picked up the dress and stepped into it, then pulled it up over her shoulders.

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