29. Trying to Find Help

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For the next few days, Rob did as he was told and waited. He carried on going to his lessons, as he was supposed to. But as the days went on, he became more impatient.

It did not help that most of the people in the school were avoiding Rob. He had never been the most popular person in school, but he had still been well known, and well liked. At least, he had with his old identity.

But now, hardly any spoke to him. That is to say, they spoke about him, but they didn't speak to him. Everywhere he went he was met with a hushed silence. Then, once he had walked away, he could hear their hushed whispers starting up again.

Eventually, he could wait no longer. Rob waited until he had a free period and he walked over to the hospital wing.

Madam Pomfrey was in her office when Rob entered the hospital wing. When she saw him, she put down what she was doing and stood up.

"Ahhh, Mr Dursley. I wondered when I would see you," said Madam Pomfrey.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Professor McGonagall told me to wait, but I was getting impatient," said Rob.

"It's fine. She came and spoke to me yesterday," said Pomfrey. "But perhaps you would like to explain what it is you want from me."

Rob shifted uncomfortably on the spot. He knew what he wanted, but he had not really spoken to Madam Pomfrey before. It was a difficult first conversation to have with someone.

Rob thought about it, then remembered that she was a medical professional. She had probably heard all kinds of embarrassing things before. She would be used to situations like this, he thought. He should just take a deep breath and speak, he decided.

"It's that I am starting to go further through puberty," said Rob. "And I don't like the effects it's having on my body."

Madam Pomfrey looked him up and down carefully. "Yes, I see that," she said. "It is the natural effects of the hormones in your body."

"Yes, I know that," said Rob. "I mean, is there anything that can be done to stop it?"

"Ahhh, yes," she said.

Madam Pomfrey put a finger to her lips and stared off into the distance. She tried to think back to all she had learned over the years. She knew all about the effects of hormones, but she had never had reason to stop that before.

"Is there a potion, or something I can take to stop the hormones?" Rob asked.

A potion, that was a good idea, thought Madam Pomfrey. She didn't know how to help Rob, but there was a chance that someone else would. And if it was a potion he was after, there was one person who was an expert with potions; Professor Snape.

Even if there was not an existing potion with the right effect, Snape could probably invent something. He was certainly skilled enough with magic. Plus it shifted the problem to someone else, she thought.

"A potion? Yes, there could be," said Madam Pomfrey. "But it is not one that I have. Perhaps you could go and talk to Professor Snape about it."

"Oh, okay," said Rob. "Well, thanks for your help. And I guess I'll go see Professor Snape."

"Yes, that's it. You go see him," said Madam Pomfrey.

So with that, Rob left the hospital wing and headed down into the dungeons. He had always found Snape to be a little odd, and slightly scary. But now he was too determined to let that stop him.

Rob walked through the dungeons and towards Snape's office. He was a little bit worried about being near the Slytherin common room too. Things with Draco had been difficult, so Rob had been trying to avoid him as much as possible.

When Rob went past the potions classroom, he took a quick look inside. He saw that Snape was inside preparing for his next lesson. Rob entered the classroom and walked towards Snape.

When Snape noticed someone coming into the room, he looked up angrily. As he realised that it was Rob, his expression softened to one of awkward discomfort.

"Dursley. What do you want?" Snape asked.

"Hello, Professor," said Rob. "I was wondering if you would be able to help me with something?"

Snape seemed flustered and looked randomly around the room. "Err, yes, of course," he said. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, it's hormones, Sir," said Rob. "And, umm, how to stop them from affecting me."

Snape blushed slightly. "That sounds more like a medical problem, why are you asking me?" he said.

"I tried asking Madam Pomfrey for help, but she said there was nothing she could do," said Rob. "She suggested I ask you. So that's why I'm here."

"I see," said Snape.

He walked around and sat at his desk, then pointed at an empty chair nearby. Rob took the hint and sat down too.

Snape sat in silence for a while as he thought about a possible solution. "I don't know of any potions that would have this effect," he said, eventually. "Though perhaps it would be possible to design something for this purpose."

"Really? And you would do that for me?" asked Rob.

Snape blushed again. "Yes, I would," he said.

"Thank you, Sir. But I don't understand why?" said Rob. "Most other people seem reluctant to help me. Why is it different for you?"

"I..." Snape tried to say. There was a reason, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to tell him. "It's just that you remind me of someone I once knew."

"Who was that?" asked Rob.

"It was your aunt, Lily Potter," said Snape. "I had not realised that you were related to her. That is, until Professor Dumbledore told me last year that she was your aunt."

"My Aunt Lily? Yeah, I never knew her, she died when I was a baby," said Rob. "But my mum told me that she went to Hogwarts."

"Yes, she did. We were friends," said Snape.

"Cool," said Rob.

"Indeed," said Snape.

Rob looked awkwardly at Snape for a few moments. "So, err, about my problem," he said. "You mentioned something about making a potion?"

"Ahh, yes," said Snape. "Amortentia works by acting on the person's hormonal response. The antidote lowers that response to their hormones. So perhaps something similar would work here. Hmmm, possibly by adding an infusion of Mandrake."

"Do you think that would work?" asked Rob.

"It could, though I would need to check some things in the library first," said Snape. "But I would hope to have something for you by next week."

Rob stood up from his chair excitedly. "Thank you, Sir," he said. "I hope you can."

Snape nervously looked up at Rob. He was not sure if Rob was going to hug him or something. It made Snape worried.

"Okay, well leave it with me," said Snape. "Get back to your lessons, and I'll send for you once I have something to show you."

Rob left the dungeons in a much better mood. He felt relieved that Snape was willing to help him. And he was also relieved that there was a chance he would have something to help block the effects his hormones were having on his body.

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