28. Meeting with the Headmaster

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It was a few days before Rob had a transfiguration lesson. He had wanted to speak to Professor McGonagall before then. But she had been too busy organising something for the Triwizard Tournament.

Once the lesson was over, everyone collected their new kittens. Apart from Neville, who now had a furry teapot. Professor McGonagall had a large cage on her desk which everyone placed their kittens in.

When Rob had put his kitten in the cage, he stayed near McGonagall's desk. "Professor, would it be a good time to talk?" he asked.

It was the last lesson before lunch, so Rob hoped she would not be busy.

McGonagall looked up at Rob and thought for a moment. "Yes, of course," she said. "I just need to finish tidying away from the lesson."

Rob went back to his desk and told Ron and Hermione that he would catch them up. They went off to the Great Hall, while Rob sat down and waited for McGonagall.

After a few minutes, McGonagall came over to where Rob was sitting. "Do you want to come into my office?" said McGonagall. "I'll make us some tea."

Rob followed McGonagall through to her office. While Rob sat down, McGonagall took a teapot from the side and pulled out her wand. She used a charm to heat up the water, then added the tea leaves.

McGonagall brought the tea over to her desk, then poured a cup for Rob and herself. She sat down and quietly sipped her tea while waiting for Rob to speak.

Rob was also unsure how to start, so sipped his tea before speaking. "I don't feel comfortable," he said. "I mean, with my body."

"I see," said McGonagall.

"Where it doesn't match how I feel inside," said Rob.

"Yes, I understand," said McGonagall.

She sipped her tea again. McGonagall had a good idea of where this conversation was heading. She started to try to work out how she would answer, before Rob could ask her the question.

"I just think I would feel more comfortable if my features were less feminine looking," said Rob.

"I understand," said McGonagall. "Your body has started to change. It's called puberty. I'm afraid that's another thing that is not taught in Hogwarts."

"Oh, I know most of that stuff," Rob said, as he started to blush. "We learned about that in the muggle primary school I went to when I was younger."

"Yes, but your body has not changed that much in that regard," said McGonagall.

Rob blushed awkwardly and looked down at his chest. His breasts had started to grow slightly in the past few months. But the rest of him looked the same as before.

"I meant my face features, but yeah," said Rob. "Is there anything I can do to stop my body changing in a way that doesn't feel right?"

"Well, I'm not sure what I could do about that," said McGonagall.

"I was wondering if there were any transfiguration spells I could use?" Rob asked.

McGonagall was not sure what to say. She knew magic could do this, but she was worried about the psychological effects it would have. Also, she was not sure exactly which spell Dumbledore had used all those years ago. All the human transfiguration spells she knew were only temporary. This was magic beyond her knowledge, and she was not sure what the counter-spell would be.

"Perhaps this would be more of a medical matter," said McGonagall. "You should go and ask Madam Pomfrey."

"Do you think she will be able to help me?" asked Rob.

"Yes, perhaps," said McGonagall. "Just go to the hospital wing and talk to her."

"Should I go now?" Rob asked.

"Hmmm, no. Go have your lunch now," said McGonagall. "I'll speak to Madam Pomfrey first. You just go and see her in a few days."

"Okay, thank you, Professor," said Rob.

Then Rob quickly drank the rest of his tea and left McGonagall's office. He headed down to the Great Hall to find Hermione and Ron.

Meanwhile, McGonagall hurried off to the Headmaster's office. When she entered, Dumbledore was sitting at his desk making some notes. He looked up when he saw McGonagall enter the room.

"We need to talk," she said. "I've just had another meeting with Rob Dursley."

Dumbledore rolled his eyes. "Really Minerva, you don't have to inform me every time you speak to one of the students," he said.

McGonagall pursed her lips angrily. "Damn it, Albus. Don't you be flippant with me," she said.

Dumbledore grunted and muttered something under his breath.

"He is feeling less comfortable with his body," said McGonagall. "He is starting to go through puberty, and it is coming at the worst time for him."

"Is that so?" said Dumbledore.

"Surely you understand what that must feel like? To have your body change to look more feminine when you don't identify as female," said McGonagall.

"I wouldn't know. My body changed in precisely the way it was supposed to," said Dumbledore.

McGonagall's face started to turn red with frustration. Her voice was calm, but forceful. "Yes, and I am sure that Rob Dursley's body would have changed in precisely the way he wanted too, if you had not transfigured it first," she said. "If you had not interfered with this boy's life, we would not be having this conversation."

Dumbledore glared at McGonagall. A look of anger momentarily flashed across his face. "I did what I had to," he said. "He had to be protected, at all costs."

"Yes, but who is paying that cost?" asked McGonagall. "It's Rob. He is the only one that is suffering in any of this."

Dumbledore sat down at his desk and gave a sad sigh. "I never meant to hurt him," he said, softly.

"I know that," said McGonagall. "But do you see that you have?"

Dumbledore looked down at his desk. "It was supposed to be a complete transformation. It should have been permanent, and undetectable," he said. "I don't understand what went wrong."

"Personality and self-identity are complicated. More complicated than the simple physical appearance of someone," said McGonagall. "We need to do something to help him."

"I don't know if I can," said Dumbledore. "It has been so many years. I don't know what effect it will have if I change him back now."

"Well, I think we will have to do something," said McGonagall. "I have told him to speak to Poppy first to buy us some time. But you will need to come up with a solution

"Okay. Leave it with me," said Dumbledore.

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