5. The Lessons Begin

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The next morning, Rose woke up as the sun was beginning to rise and send its light through the castle window. She got out of bed and went to use the toilet. It was still too early for breakfast, so she laid back on her bed and read one of her school books.

Rose had just finished her second chapter, when she heard Hermione yawning in the bed next to hers.

Rose smiled at her cheerfully. "Good morning."

"Good morning," said Hermione. Then she got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

"Shall we get dressed and go for breakfast," said Hermione, as she came back in the room.

"Yeah, okay," said Rose.

Rose and Hermione took off their pajamas and put on their clothes ready for the day. Then they both went down to the common room. When they walked in, Rose saw that Ron was just coming down from the boy's dormitory.

"Hey, Ron," said Rose. "We are just going for breakfast. Do you want to join us?"

Ron blushed slightly. "Okay," he said.

"This is Hermione," said Rose. "We are in the same dorm."

"Err, hi, I'm Ron," he said.

Then the three of them walked down to the Great Hall together to get some food.

Once they had finished eating, it was time for their first lesson. Hermione checked the timetable and saw that they had a potions lesson first, so they walked down to the dungeons.

Everyone were sat at their desks, when the door burst open and Snape came striding into the room. He looked around at the first years with a sneer. "There will be no silly wand waving in this class," he said.

Rose watched Snape as he kept talking. As he did, he walked around the class and took a closer look at his new students. When he reached Rose, he stopped and stared at her for a moment.

"You look familiar," said Snape. "There's something about your eyes... Do I know your parents?"

"I don't think so, Sir," said Rose. "They're muggles."

Snape looked deeply into Rose's eyes, until she felt uncomfortable and looked away. Then he went back to his lesson and stated talking about what to use a Bezoar for.

When the lesson was finished, they left the dungeon and started walking towards their next lesson, which was defence against the dark arts.

"Professor Snape seemed weird," said Hermione. "It was creepy the way he was staring at you."

"Yeah, I think I will have to try and avoid him," said Rose.

"That's okay, I'll look after you," said Ron.

"Thanks," said Rose. "But hopefully I will be fine."

They eventually reached the classroom for defence against the dark arts. When they went in, they found Professor Quirrell writing some notes at his desks.

"Ah, yes. C-c-come in, and sit d-d-down," said Quirrell.

When Rose walked past Quirrell's desk, she felt a sudden pain in her forehead. She sat down quickly, and clutched her head.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, it's just my scar suddenly hurt," said Rose.

"What scar is that?" Ron asked.

Rose swept back her hair to expose her forehead to the other two. There was a small scar hidden under her hair that was shaped like a lightning bolt.

"Cool," said Ron. "How did you get that?"

"Don't know. I've always had it," said Rose. "I guess I must of hit my head as a baby or something."

Draco heard them talking and came over to be nosy, and so he saw Rose's forehead. "That looks painful," he said.

"It doesn't hurt normally," said Rose. "I'm not sure why it suddenly started now."

"Do you want to go to the hospital wing to get it checked? I can show you where it is," said Draco.

"Thanks, but I'm sure it will be fine," said Rose. "It's stopped hurting already."

After that, everyone settled down at their desks, and Professor Quirrell started the lesson.

Later, they all had a flying lesson outside. When they were sitting on their brooms, one of the other Gryffindors, a boy called Neville, fell off and hurt his arm. When he landed, something fell out of his pocket. Draco walked over and picked it up to find Neville's remembrall.

Draco turned to his slytherin friends with a smirk. "Look what I found," he said. "I guess it's mine now."

Rose marched up to Draco with an angry face on. "That's not yours," she said. "Give it back."

Draco sheepishly handed the remembrall to Rose. "Sorry, I was just joking around," he said.

When Neville returned from the hospital wing, Rose gave the remembrall back to him.


Okay, so this was kind of the introduction bit, so now I'm going to time skip to the 4th year when the main story is set, if that's okay?


For the rest of the year, Rose carried on learning about magic with Ron and Hermione. The three of them became close friends as they got to know each other better.

There were a few odd things that happened during the year. At Halloween, a troll somehow managed to get into the dungeon. But luckily, everyone was in the Great Hall at the time having a feast. So it meant that no-one got hurt or was in any danger, and the professors managed to capture the troll safely.

At Christmas, Rose went back home to see her family. She had missed her parents and her big brother while she was at Hogwarts, and it felt great to see them again. After the holidays, she returned to Hogwarts and found that someone had left another present on her bed. She opened it with Hermione, and inside they found an invisibility cloak. There was a note inside to say that it used to belong to her uncle.

At the end of the year, there was a mysterious incident in the school. Professor Quirrell had some kind of accident with a mirror, and he was killed. It meant the year ended a bit sadly.

Rose had enjoyed her year at Hogwarts, but she was happy to go home to her family for the summer.

Towards the end of the holidays, Rose went back to Diagon Alley to buy some new books for her second year at Hogwarts. She saw Ron in the book shop, and she was so happy to see her friend that she rushed over to give him a hug. Unfortunately when she did, she bumped into Ron's little sister, and made her drop all her books. Rose tried to help pick them all up, but they could not find all of them.

Later in the year, Draco was caught hanging out in the girl's toilets. Everyone started calling him a creeper, and he spent most of the rest of the year hiding in the slytherin common room after that.

In Rose's third year, Hagrid was made professor for care of magical creatures. In his first lesson, he brought in a hippogriff. Hagrid told Rose to step forward and bow to it, and when she did, the hippogriff let her ride it. When she landed, everyone was impressed, even Draco.

The rest of the year is uneventful, and Rose goes back home to her family for the summer holidays. This year, her parents had rented a cottage in France. Rose spent most of the time on the beach building sand castles with her brother, Dudley. By the time the holiday ended, Rose was happy and her skin was really tanned.

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