The night terrors

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woke up completely disoriented, everything was black and it felt as if I was tied down. I tried to scream but nothing came out of my mouth. My heart was racing, pounding in my chest. I took a few deep breaths trying to slow down my heartbeat. Slowly my vision become more clear and I could see that I was in a big room full of  sleeping girls. Most of them were around my age some a bit younger perhaps, some a bit older. It was difficult to see because my head was pounding like crazy. I tried to sit up but my hands was cuffed to the head board. 

How the hell did  I end up here? Before I could think of an answer an loud alarm went off and a red light lit up the room. Everybody was awake now, I looked to the girl next to me and asked what was going on, stumbling over my words not being able to put out full sentences. Mostly because my throat was so sore but there was definitely some fear in me as well, preventing me to speak up. The girl most have pick up on it because,

"whatever you do, never show fear, fear is a weakness and they won't accept it." was the first thing she said.

"Who, who won't accept it"

Before she could answer me, the alarm stopped and a women stepped into the room. 

"Madame B and Dreykov "she whispered, while the women went by the girls to uncuffing them.

After every girl was unlocked we had to follow her towards a  huge, gym looking kind of room. I think that with me included that there were about 20 girls now neatly lined up on the site of a training mat. A men walked in and all the girls stood up a little more straight than before, causing al the 'new' girls to follow their example, me included. All I could think about was how afraid I was as my chest repeatedly rose and fell. I looked around and saw all the new girls trembling on their feet, I got a glimpse of the girl how laid next to me this morning remembering what she had said. Straightening my posture and focusing back on the men how had just come in, Dreykov I could only presume. 

One by one we were pair off against one and other having to fight till you could no longer stand. It was my turn and I had to fight one of the older girls I think she was about six, I don't understand why I had to do this, I mean it was hardly a fair fight. Compared to this girl the others had it easy. I tried my best not to let my fear show. Which didn't go unnoticed as there was a small smirk surrounding Dreykov's lips. We were the only too left the others had been sent back to the room some barely breathing. How could someone be so cruel? I had no experience fighting whatsoever, but again before I could come up with a plan, Dreykov told us to begin. The girl didn't hesitate for a moment and lunch at me round house kicking me in the face. I fell to the floor feeling the warm blood slowly starting to drip over my face. I struggled to get back on my feet as my vision was now blurry. I saw her go for a hit to my face and blocked it using my arm. Screaming in pain only new realizing how hard the blow to my head had been. I have had no time to heal form the headache earlier and now here I was fighting for my life. She threw punch after punch, every one as hard as the one before, echoing through my head and forming bruises all over my arms and legs. I got a few good hits in myself some even made her stumble and bleed, but my vision was getting to blurry form the tears in my eyes. I saw her come at me with another kick but I was too late to react, receiving another insane blow to my head and all went dark.

I woke up screaming bathing in sweat, my sheets were soaked. I was completely disoriented looking around to find any clue that could tell me where I was. I soon realized I was in my dorm room, save from all the demons in my head. These fucking night terrors! I don't think that I will ever be able to forget that fist night in hell. I looked at the clock It was 8 am. I still had trouble sleeping, I don't think I could ever stop sleeping with one eye open. I had woken up a few times during the night, there was always something to startle me awake. I stretched and decided it was time to get up. Only now noticing the knife I had in my hand. Ever since I have been on my own I never seemed to truly feel safe. I would always have a knife hidden somewhere. 

I got up and took a shower, after which I texted Soph asking if she wanted to grab breakfast.


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