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It's Friday morning, Yesterday had been a very eventful evening. After I got into a fight with Victoria and choke her out, I had to smuggle her body out of the University unnoticed. I waited till 9pm to get her out. It was my best bet, I hoped nobody would be around at this time. So after waiting an few hour, I tossed Vic over my shoulder and made my way to my car. After getting her in the back seat I grabbed a syringe and injected her with a sedative, making sure that she would be out for a while.

I first drove to my apartment, where I called in for a quinjet to come and get me. While I waited for a jet to arrive I took a nice hot shower and got dressed into some comfy clothes.

 While I waited for a jet to arrive I took a nice hot shower and got dressed into some comfy clothes

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Meanwhile Victoria was passed out on my couch. She looked very beautiful laying there, all peaceful. After my shower I called Maria, to let her know that I had captured a Widow and that I would bring her back to headquarter. Maria was nice enough to inform me that they had found a replacement for the Russian lessons and that my presence was now requests at HQ. My guess is that they wanted me in charge of recovering data and interrogating Victoria. Wanda would return after explaining the situation to Sophia. Sophia didn't need to know all the details, but we couldn't have her file a missing person's report.

After I arrived late last night I was too tired to go over everything with everybody, besides everyone was either asleep or on mission. Thus we would do the debrief in the morning over breakfast.

I was now on my way to the kitchen to meet up with everybody. We discussed the situation briefly, they wanted to know how much of a threat Victoria possess. I told them what happened in the classroom, I don't think she was trained that well, she was sloppy and uncoordinated. A little weak if you asked me. However she did have a fighter's spirit. She was stubborn and hard headed, not really a quitter. It was going to be hard interrogating her.

As I had expected we decided it would be smart if I took responsibility for the prisoner, Tony would probably lose his temper after a few minutes and Steve, well Steve is Steve, not really a need to explain. Victoria was now locked in a cell. I would go talk to her once she was awake. The sedation should have worn off by now, but it was still early in the morning so she was most likely still asleep.

"Jarvis please inform me once Victoria is awake."

"At your service miss Romanoff."

I woke up on a small mattress on the ground of a white cell, everything was white, the floors the walls even the ceiling and the lights were white. There were two cameras in the front corner at either side of the door, making sure that there were no blind spots. There was a bathroom at the other side of the room, no door, only a small wall to hide behind. But I did have my own shower and toilet with a sink. In addition there was a small table with a chair on the opposite side of the mattress. Everything was bolted down. The cell was a lot nicer that most of the cells I had been in.

I looked around for my hidden knives to see it they had missed any, but unfortunately they didn't, they had also taken my shoes and belt. I stood up to walk around a bit and stretch my legs. My neck was sore and it was painful to swallow. After I took a few laps around the room, I sat back down on the mattress, my back against the wall. I sat down cross-legged and begin to sort of meditate, not really but I was mentally preparing myself for what was about to happen next. If they truly believed that I am a Widow the next best thing that's going to happen is torture. They are going to try and find out every single bit of information I might hold. How the hell am I going to convince them I'm no longer a Widow, I knew my past would come back to haunt me.

I don't think playing the victim will work, my best bet was to act unbreakable and hope they would eventually try and transfer me, that would be the moment I would try and break out. I had to dive back into my training as a widow. I slowly felt everything coming back, remembering my training also meant remembering all the ways they had tortured me, it wasn't pleasant but it was necessary.

My expectations where that I would be in this cell for a few days before anyone would enter. So I would get fucked up about my rights. Little did I know that I don't care about myself one bit. That was unless they needed the information desperately, if so it wouldn't be long before they would be entering my cell. My guess is that they were on there way as I just woke up.   


Hey as always feel free to leave a comment. I would like to hear what you all think of it so far. If you have any ideas for the future of this book don't hesitate to let me know. Let me know what you think about Victoria choice to act as if she is an actual widow?

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