The truth

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I woke up screaming bathing in sweat. Within a few seconds four guards had stormed into my room all with their weapons drawn. For a second there I was completely disorientated, my vision was blurry from the tears in my eyes and my heartrate was spiking. One of the guards turned on the main light and I was blinded for a second. They were gone as fast as they had come in. The moment they realized there was nothing serious going on they had just left turning off the lights again.

I was kind of surprised that they hadn't yelled at me to keep quiet or hit me for making noise. I looked at the clock, it was only 2am, way to freaking early. After I managed to catch my breath I sat up straight. My sheets were soaked and I was wide awake now. I got out of my bed and went to take a short shower, only to find out that there was no water coming out of the shower head. 

I wasn't in the mood to get yelled at so instead of going to the guards to ask for clean sheets and why the water wouldn't turn op I just climbed on top of the desk. Positioning myself with my back against the wall. I was waiting for the time to pass but as you probably know, time doesn't really go that fast when you're just sitting and waiting. After about two hours I decided I was going to do some work out, I hopes to pass some time. I started out with some sit-ups and after I did all kinds of leg raises and other core exercises. Later I did push-ups and other strength exercises. 

Before I knew it, another two hours had past and it was now 6am. I walked back to the shower in the hopes that it would turn on now, and it did. I got undressed and went to take a 'nice' cold shower, seeing that the water wouldn't exactly heat up. I was exhausted, some guard had brought me dinner last night, it was the first meal I had gotten since I got here, but I wasn't in the mood to eat. I was hungry but didn't feel like eating, it felt as if deciding what to eat was the only thing that was left in my control and I was clinging on to it. Back then they would sometimes starve you for days, just so you would do anything to get a bit of bread. Maybe even kill for it. I found out pretty quick after I escaped that eating was very difficult for me. I would eat very little or way to much, because I had no idea of how a propper meal should look like. Even when I got starved the only thing keeping me at peace was the other girls who had it just as hard as I did. They would brag that they head foot but this one girl would always try and smuggle me something. Even if it was just a grain. 

It was 6am as my alarm went off, time to get in my morning workout, I went to the gym and had a nice training session, after which I got a nice hot shower and some breakfast. I looked at the clock it was 8 am time to go and see if Victoria is awake. 

As I made my way to here cell one of the guards came up to me to inform me on what had happened last night. Apparently she had woken up screaming and didn't go back to sleep afterwards. They had been checking in on her every half hour. She had stayed up all night working out. I thought this was going to be another long day but seeing that she has been awake half the night it's going to be an even longer one for her.

"Okay thank you for informing me, I would like you to bring her to the interrogation room again. And please for the love of God, use Tony's cuffs this time. O and also make sure she gets something to eat in there."

After giving instructions to the guard I made my way to the room myself. I waited behind the glass until Victoria was secured into the chair, with just enough room for her to eat some food. As protocol I waited some time before going in. She hasn't touched her food yet what concerned me a bit. She hadn't eaten since she came here and there was no way she wasn't hungry. A young girl like her should get enough to eat in order to grow. Not that she didn't look good, but her usual demeanor changed, she was getting to skinny not just sexy thin.

"Good morning how did you sleep"

I say as I walk in, again no reaction. I looked at the girl before me while sitting down. She looked terrible, tired, starved and overall lifeless. 


After a few beats she finally answer, as if she was contemplating whether she was going to tell the truth or not. I knew she choose the latter. I remembered the way she had reacted to me being all stern yesterday and thought it was best to try that again, maybe throw in some flirting again as well.

"See now I know you're lying to me, and as I told you before I do not appreciate lying. So you can either tell me the truth or you can get a spanking."

She just shrugged, looking to the side absentmindedly. It was as if she didn't even hear me. Yesterday my remark would have at least get her to be snarky with me. Right now it was like she wasn't even here. It's only been five minutes but I was already starting to get pissed of by the leak of eye contact. I hated it when people did that, it just showed no respect. I walked around the table leaning against it as I stood before her, she hadn't noticed me move from my seat. I was just a few centimeters away from her, as she suddenly flinched. 

She pulled her shoulders up as high as she could, turning to the side in an attempt to protect her head. I was shocked, I wasn't going to hit her, she didn't do anything. This made me wonder if the guards had gone rouge again. I knew some of them would sometimes take out there frustration on the inmates we got here. Usually because the ones that came here frist were the worst of the worst. But that still didn't make this right. I roughly grabbed her face pulling her towards me.

"I told you to look at me when I talk to you!!" I say very demanding. 

She looked at me, tears starting to form in her eyes. Suddenly she was no longer that hard ass that was sitting before me yesterday, she was just a scared helpless girl. She didn't pull away she just looked at me, for the first time I was able to look her in her eyes. God they were beautiful. Her eyes slowly filled with tears as they started streaming down her face.

"How, how did you keep your heart?" I asked shocked at the broken soul that was sitting in front of me.

"Pain only makes us stronger" she whispered, barley loud enough to hear.

"How told you that?" I ask in shock

"Yelena" she said sad, looking down to her feet. 

How did she know Yelena? And why if she was a Widow was she like this? I knew she could be tricking me but somewhere deep down I knew she was telling the truth. My instinct told me that she needed help, she was a victim not an assailant. I reached down to unlock her cuffs. I pulled her to her feet and gave her a hug. She almost melted in my arms. 


Hey as always feel free to leave a comment. I would like to hear what you all think of it so far. If you have any ideas for the future of this book don't hesitate to let me know.

Let me know what you think Natasha will do now she know Vic knows Yelena?

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