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It wasn't long after I started meditating, that I heard the cell door open. I was prepared, I knew what was about to happen and I was ready I took one last deep breath before completely giving myself over to the Widow persona. I was sitting with my eyes closed, focusing on my other senses. I don't know how but somehow I knew exactly how many guards had entered my cell. I was kind of shocked at the short time it had taken me to fall back into relying on my old training and all my senses. My guess was that there were two guards now standing in my cell and another two in the hallway, probably all with drawn guns.

"Get your ass up!" one of them yelled.

I slowly opened my eyes, ha I was right, and stood up raising my hand. This is going to be a long day. They turned me around and harshly pressed me up against the wall pulling my hands behind my back and cuffing them. 

" Ugh,, Didn't your mama teach you to have manners" I smile at them.

They were standard edition cuffs, a.k.a easy to get out off. I was a little offended surely Natasha would know how easy it is to get out of these? Besides If they thought I was a widow they should have her on the interrogation. 

I was escorted to an interrogation room, nothing special, a few cameras, microphones, a desk, one chair on each side. There was a two way mirror, my guess was that she was watching right now. I got thrown into one of the chairs.

"Don't have to be so harsh about it." I smiled, I wanted to know how the tension was. And let's say I soon find out by a hard punch landing on my cheekbone.  

"Shut up, you little bitch." He yelled. 

I couldn't help but smile indignant at the guard, spitting the blood that was in my mouth onto him. They had no idea who they had in front of them and if I had a gun I would have been out of here in no time. The guards than left the room. I had to chuckle as I got a Deja vu. How bad could this be, I've been through it all, what else can they do? If they wanted information, *that I couldn't give, because I didn't had any*, they were going to have to keep me alive. Other then that I would have no I idea as to why they would keep me alive for anything else. And even if they killed me, that wouldn't be the worst thing, I could finally have some peace. 

It would most likely be a while before someone would come to talk to me, especially is she was in charge. Back in the Redroom we would be thrown into a hole and left there to rot for some days before the torture started. It would give you more than enough time to contemplate all the bad scenarios that were about to happen. Sometimes they would even just open the door give one strike and then walk out, so you never knew when they would accually start. The hole on its own was torturing enough but no, it was never just the hole. I just leaned back and tried to get some sleep, closing my eyes and trying to relax. As calm I might have looked on the outside, as afraid I was on the inside. I wasn't afraid to get hurt, I wasn't ready to die but if it came to that so be it. No it was more the fear of her, I was afraid of Natasha of how she reminded me of the past. How she would know exactly how to crack me.

I was watching through the mirror as Victoria was dragged in. She seemed different than last time in class. She wasn't afraid, she seemed rather at ease, as if she didn't care at all. Even when the guard hit her across the face, she just smiled it off, not giving a shit. I waited for forty minutes before going in, I wanted to see if she would get anxious. However she stayed as relaxed as before the whole time, at one point I thought she might had even fallen asleep. Knowing this, and all the other thing, I was sure, she is a Widow, now was my job to find out what she was doing at NYU. 

I went into the interrogation room, sitting down in front of her. She didn't seem to know that I got in, she didn't flinch nor acknowledge my presence. I cleared my throat in an attempt to get her attention. Earning a small glance, she couldn't care less that I was in here. It was like someone had turned an off switch, she was so different from the chattering girl that was in my class past week.

We sat there in silence for a bit, she was staring at the same spot on the ceiling, her feet on the desk, sat back, no emotion present. I was thing about a way to start the conversation. Thinking about how to get that little girl back. While maybe I shouldn't say little girl, but this girl was so far form the loving, caring human I had in my class. That girl was troubled yes, but you could see the war in her eyes. Right now I couldn't even see her eyes, they seem hollow.

"What's your name?"

This got her attention, she looked at me confused, as if I was stupid, she seemed surprised.  But after about five seconds she looked back up to the ceiling, ignoring me completely. Ok I can play this game to. I stood up and walked around the table, pushing her feet of the table and walking back to my seat. She look at me furiously, and tried to move forward but forgot that she was still cuffed to the chair. Slightly wailing as the cuff cut into her wrists.

"You're not at home here missy. I asked you a question. What. Is. Your. Name?" 

I used my teachers voice, which was my stern voice, what appeared to really get her attention this time. She trembled at my voice, she looked as if she was scared for her life for a sec but then regained herself. She sat up a little more straight before answering me. I was confused she was clearly playing a persona, this wasn't her natural reaction. Although the shiver that ren down her spine was very real.

"You know my name, you have used it multiple times last week." she smirked. Only looking at me briefly. It was as if she was afraid that my stare would break her.

This was going to be a long day.


Hey as always feel free to leave a comment. I would like to hear what you all think of it so far. If you have any ideas for the future of this book don't hesitate to let me know. Let me know what you think Vic will do as Natasha starts to invade her personal space.

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