Therapy session

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If you ever wondered what therapy is like? Let me tell you, it sucks, it makes you feel weak, it makes you feel like a little child being scolded and it's uncomfortable. But it works at least for me it does. For anyone who has ever been to therapy might relate to the fact that the fist sessions are te worst.

First you get a general interview, they ask you what your problem is and what your goals are. They aspect you to know, like if I knew I wasn't in therapy bitch. Than when the made goals for you to work on the send you to someone Els. Who actually has to work with you one those set goals. But before you actually get to work on any goals your going to have to tell your whole story again. And you know why? 
Because apparently these specialist can't read. You know how I know?
Because it they did, then why couldn't they just have red the report that was send to them by the previous person !!

Am I frustrated with the process? Yes.
Am I happy with the results?  Yes
The first sessions where really hard, I needed to learn to open up, and that isn't the easiest for me. Nat could just about manage and now it was Sam's turn. To be honest I don't have anything against Sam, he did a great job at making me feel comfortable. Our fist session we played a board game, the second one we went for a walk.

He always comes up with ways to interact, somehow he just knew that I hate being judged. Like don't go sit opposite of me with your notepad and your legs crossed like, lay it on me, no I'm a fucking human being interact with me like one.

I've been going to therapy for a half year now, and I must say i'm actually getting better. I didn't know it could but it did. Natasha and I are doing pretty well. After some intense debate, and some very heated arguments, there was finally decided that maybe it would be for the best if I would go back to school, go back to living a normal life. Of Course there were a lot of things that had to be arranged, but Natasha volunteered to go back to being a russian teacher so she could keep an eye on me and the surroundings. After all I've been through they agreed that a life outside of the quarters and the secrecy that came with the job would be better for me. And I couldn't agree more.

*the end*

So very short chapter maybe I'll add some to it in the future but that's it this is the end anyone want any bonus chapters with smut ?
Maybe a second book?
Just let me know what you though of it.
I would really appreciate it if you left a comment. Even if it's just to say hey.

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