Like what you see?

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It had been two weeks since Loki had been given a room at the tower, and he still hadn't talked to anyone but Thor. At this point you would have been worried, if Thor hadn't reassured you. "He does this all the time on Asgard, hides away for weeks, only talks to a couple people. I can barely get him to say two words to me, even here."

"Hey y/n, there's a mission!" Bucky shouted, running towards you. "Yes! Tony?" Tony shook his head. "Nope. We need somebody to stay here with reindeer games. I'll take you on the next one for sure." You roll your eyes. "Last time I got a tiny scratch."
"Last time your leg would of been amputated if it weren't for your magic."

"Fine." You mutter, and stalk off, heading to your room. "I'll tell me brother what's happening, and then we can leave." Thor announces, following you. "It's alright Thor I can tell him." Thor nods, and turns to follow the others. You continue down the hall, passing your room, before arriving at Loki's

"Loki?" You knock softly on the door. "Loki? Can I come in?" The door creaks open slightly. "Loki?" You step in. The room is barely decorated.  The walls are white, the chest of drawers is empty, and the bedspread is green. The only decoration is the wall of bookshelves, books from the library scattered across the shelves. Loki is sitting in a corner, his back turned to you. "Hey, you ok?" A curt nod of his head. "Alright. Well the others are on a mission, I'm stuck babysitting you. You seem fine here, so I'm going to go shower then train. Training room is the 24 floor, so right below us, and there is food in the kitchen if your hungry." No response. "Ok. Well, bye I guess." You walk out of his room, softly shutting the door.

You teleport into your bathroom, and strip, before stepping into the shower. You wince at first at the hot water, but your body quickly adjusts. The shower glass fogs up quickly. Shortly after you feel someone staring at you, and quickly become self conscious of how the foggy glass does almost nothing to hide you. Realizing it's Loki, you grin, and decide to put on a show, taking extra long to wash your hair. You do a half turn, showing part of the front of your body to Loki. He coughs and you turn back around, rinsing your hair.

You wait a minute before saying "like what you see?" You chuckle under your breath as Loki stumbles over his words. "I... I wasn't... I just.. sorry..." he mumbles, but he stays there, still watching. "You know it's rude to stare." You turn slightly, and watch his face go red with embarrassment. "I wasn't staring! Why would I? I just wanted to know how that metal box contraption works." He huffs. "The elevator? Oh, I'm going down to the training room in a sec. just let me finish washing my hair, and get dressed, and I can help you." He turns and walks out, not acknowledging your offer, though you bet he'll be outside your door, waiting.

Sure enough, as you exit your room, hair still damp, in a t shirt and yoga pants, Loki is waiting, impatiently outside your door. "I don't understand why mortals take so long sometimes." You roll your eyes, and proceed to show him how the elevator works. "Even if you got down to the front door, you wouldn't be able to get out. It requires voice recognition." He nods, and follows you into the training room. His eyes light up at the targets, and collects some daggers, before landing each one in the center of the targets, with deadly precision.

You pull off your shirt, revealing your f/c sports bra underneath. Wrapping your hands in tape, you proceed to beat the shit out of the punching bags. Eventually you notice Loki growing bored of the targets and knives. "Hey, wanna spar?" You walk up to him. He nods. "Weapons, magic, or hand to hand?" He asks. "Hand to hand. I want to see how good you are without the magic, or the daggers." You both get into a fighting position.

You get tired of waiting for him to move, and attack, aiming a punch at his gut. He blocks it, along with all your other punches. You change tactics, pretending to punch his nose, while swiping his legs out from under him. He hits the ground hard and you go to kick him down when he gets back up. He grabs your leg, slamming you into the floor. You jump up, and attempt to block his flurry of punches. You manage to get a good punch to his face before he knocks you down again.

You leap up, surprising him, and kick him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He recovers quickly, charging at you with impressive speed. You dodge him, but to your surprise he grabs your wrist, turning you back to him. He sweeps your legs out from under you, and you land on your back with a thud. He jumps on top of you, pinning your wrists down. "You know, I quite like this position." He grins, but his smile faultless when you don't get flustered. "You know what? I do too." You bring your head up, brushing your lips against his. This surprises him, and he loosens his grip, giving you a chance to escape. You push him away, before jumping on top of him, pinning him down the same way he pinned you down.

"Actually I like this better." You grin in triumph. You jump up, offering him your hand. He takes it and you haul him up to his feet. "Well, that..." he trails off. "Surprised you? You should be prepared for anything. Oh, and one thing: don't try that again, ok? I enjoyed that about as much as you did, which is to say, not at all." You turn and leave the training room, your ponytail (ignore this if you have short hair ) swishing as you go.

You feel Loki watching you as you go, and smile to yourself. Maybe today won't be so bad. Craving something sweet, you decide to make some apology food. After all, you bruised his cheek pretty bad. Then you remember his reaction to eating with the team. Maybe no peace offering food. It just means more for you, and more time to read in the library.

You grab a container of Oreos, and a glass of milk. Heading into the library, you round the corner to go to your favorite nook. To your surprise f/n is there, waiting for you. It wasn't there last time you were here. Maybe Loki isn't so bad after all.

Wow 1147 words! Hope you guys liked this chapter. I'll try to do more team interactions. Maybe you all get drunk and Loki helps you with your hangover the next day? Oh well! I'll try to write another chapter soon.

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