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That was it. It was the fourth time you'd caught him glaring at you today. It was two days since "the incident" in the training room. Since then you'd caught him glaring at you almost evertyime you looked at him. And you returned it every. Single. Time.

"That's it I'm gonna talk to him about this." You mutter. Your about to get up when you hear someone coughing. You turn and find the team watching the two of you. "Hey guys! Didn't know you were back." You set your book down and run over. "I dodged three bullets." Clint grins. "You know what that means stark." Tony groans. "Yes kid, the next three missions that you can take, your going on." "Yes!" You shout, jumping up and down.

"Hey pep." You all turn and see Tony embracing his girlfriend. The pair start making out, and the rest of you groan. "Hey! Single people here! Please get a room!" You shout.They jump apart, and Tony grabs peppers hand, leading her into the elevator. They don't even wait until the doors close to start making out again.

"We aren't sleeping tonight are we?" "Sorry buck but I don't think so. Anybody else want to get some earplugs?" You joke. "Yes please. And also, can you come with me?" Nat jokes, before grabbing your hand, dragging you into her room. "Yeah?" Nat smirks at you. "You know, you don't have to make a big deal out of Tony and Pepper."

"It was a joke!" You exclaim. Nat gives you a look. "What?" She rolled her eyes, peeling off her suit and changing into sweatpants and a t shirt. "Sure. It's definitely not because you wanted to be the one in the elevator." You choke on the water you were drinking. "You think I like Tony?!"

"I think you like Loki. We all saw you guys staring at each other." You throw the cup at her, which she easily catches. "First off he was glaring at me, and second why would I like a psychopath? He killed 80 people! In two days! And he hates me!" Nat tosses the cup back at you. "How do you know he hates you?"

"Oh please. If you had been in the training room the other day you would know." Nat chuckles. "Enlighten me." You throw the cup at her head, missing by an inch. "We were training, and decided to fight. He had me pinned down and was flirting with me so I flirted back."

"He hates you for that?" You shake your head. "No he hates how I responded. He said "I rather like this position" when he had me pinned down. So I told him..." you trail off. "Told him what?!" Nat exclaims. "I told him "you know what I like it too." And kissed him to distract him before pinning him down. Then I walked off, and made sure to tell him that I didn't like that either." Nat squeals. "Was he a good kisser?" She sits down next to you. "How would I know I barely brushed my lips against his. And why do you care!"

"No reason... but if he hated it why did he keep staring at you, and don't tell me he was glaring, he looked like a love sick puppy every time." You groan. "He was glaring! Stop trying to change my mind. And he did hate because he looked so disgusted when I pinned him down." Suddenly a bang comes from the ceiling.

"Stop hogging the healer! Some of us got shot y'know?" Clint shouts. "Clint get your ass down right now! And also you didn't get shot! Stop lying." Clint grumbles and jumps down from the vents before stalking out, probably cursing you and Nat under his breath.

Why did Nat care so much anyways? It was just a kiss. Just a kiss right?

~§ time skip brought to you by Loki's luscious locks because the wattpad gods are on vacation. §~

Just a kiss. It was just a kiss. Loki reminded himself, for maybe the tenth time that day. But if it was just a kiss why do you care so much? He shook the thought from his head, returning to his book. He realized that once again he was stuck on the same page. Flipping it quickly he tried to distract himself by thinking of you. It didn't work. He still couldn't get you out of his head. It was as if his mind and heart were raging a battle, and from the looks of it, heart was winning.

Before he had a chance to do anything, someone knocked on his door softly. "Brother I'm not interested in whatever your asking me to do." He hissed at the door, turning back to his book. "Actually it's y/n. Can I come in?" His face flushed red at your name. "I supposed." The door creaked open. "Look, I'm going to cut to the chase. Do you hate me?" He dropped his book. Hate you? He could never. "Why would I?" She scoffed. "You've been glaring at me since the training room incident. Look I don't want to be enemies. I know your innocent Loki, I know you weren't thinking straight. What I'm trying to say is, do you want to be friends?"

His hearth thumped loudly at your words. He was sure his face was crimson by now. However, he couldn't stop the words from escaping his mouth. "Why not? You slightly less annoying than the others anyways." He admitted. "Ok. And, can we please put the whole training room thing behind us? It was awkward anyways." You smile, and by the gods, it's shocking you can't hear his heart thumping in his chest. You turn and shut the door, giving him a soft smile before you leave.

He groans, falling backwards onto his bed. "By the gods. I'm a fool. She just wants to be friends. Nothing more. Control yourself Loki. Control yourself." He mutters.

Oooooh. You and Loki are friends now. And who is you? Is it someone you know? I'll try to update soon! See you guys later!

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