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It was less than a week after the team returned that there was another mission. You were in your room, content to relax on your bed all day, when Bucky burst into your room. "There's a mission!" You bolt upright. "Cmon we leave in an hour." Following Bucky, your basically bouncing up and down. It's been ages since you went on a mission. "Nat is waiting for you in the lab they have a new prototype for you two to test out on the mission."

"Hey Nat what's the prototype?" Nat tosses you a small hand gun. You pull the trigger, and mechanics whir as it turns into a sniper gun. "Awesome! Where's Tony?" Nat rolls her eyes at your enthusiasm. "Waiting for you in the common room. I have to go get suited up. You'll get debriefed on the way there."

You turn, heading to your room to suit up. Even though you could summon you suit with your magic, it felt good to slide the cool fabric over your skin. You heard the satisfying clunk of two hand guns sliding into the holsters at your waist, next to two daggers. One was the prototype, the other was the first handgun you ever used. You never missed when you used it. You slipped an extra dagger in each boot, along with one literally up your sleeve. Your hair was pulled back, out of your face.

You turned and looked at yourself in the mirror for a moment. Admiring the suit, you noticed the golden angel halo on the back, the circle only broken by two slits in the suit. On your forearm was your symbol, a halo with a pair of wings raised through the halo, embossed in gold stitching. "Y/n get your lazy ass out here! We're waiting!" You heard Bucky shout.

You laughed as you jogged down the hall, seeing everybody but banner ready to go. " it's a stealth mission so I'm sitting it out." Bruce explained, seeing your look. "When do we leave?" You turn to Tony. "In a minute chill." You groan, impatient. "Y/n? Why are there slits in the back of your suit? Doesn't that make your back vulnerable?"

You freeze. Biting your lip, you hold back from shouting. The memories wash over you, one after another in a haze. "Lady y/n!" You turn, seeing Thor's worried face. "Are you alright?" You nod. "What I was saying brother, is lady y/n will tell you if she is ready." Loki looked down at his feet, and you felt a little bad. It wasn't his fault. He didn't know.

"You don't have to tell him if you don't want to kid." Tony puts a hand on your shoulder. "I won't tell him. I'll just show him." Tony nods and steps away. In fact everybody near you backs up. You lock eyes with Loki. "We do not speak of what your about to see. If you want to know, I'll tell you when I'm ready. Ok? Not. A word." Loki nods.

You sigh, releasing the tension in your back. You feel the muscles shift, and instinctively tense up again. The room is silent. Then, Loki gasps. There are massive, white wings rising above your head. He steps forward to touch them. You snap them shut and he jumps back. "Don't. Touch." You growl.

"Ready to go kid?" You nod towards Tony, before storming out, your wings tucked in tight.

"A few weeks ago SHEILD found what they suspect to be an abandoned hydra base. Based on the outside appearance it's been abandoned recently. We need you to scout it out from the air while Nat and Clint scout from the ground. If the coast is clear, you'll alert us and we move in. Search your section, and leave no stone unturned. Got it? If you find something of interest grab it and go." You nod.

"This is your stop!" Tony shouts, about half a mile from the abandoned base. You nod, and use your magic to temporarily turn your wings and suit black. The door opens, and you stand at the edge. Nat shouts something but you don't hear it. You click your earpiece into place, and fall backwards.

You forgot the joys of flying. Whopping softly, your turn in the air, the gold of your suit glinting like stars.  The perfect camouflage. You fly over the base, your magic searching for people. "Anything agent l/n?" Nat's voice rings loud and clear in your ear. She only uses your agent name on mission. "Nothing. My magic doesn't detect anything. What about you agents Romanoff and Barton?" Nothing for them either.

"All good Tony. Go ahead and move in." You whisper. "I'll take quadrant 5." You add. "It's the highest one from the ground, and I see a broken window, about big enough for me to fit in." You barely register the murmur of agreements before shooting through the window.

You land silently, and stalk down the halls, your feet never making a sound. You open the first door, and find. Nothing. The room is empty. So are the next dozen. "Hey kid, we all finished, what about you?"

"Nothing over here I have one last door." You turn the last knob, and surprisingly find it locked. You unlock the door quickly, using magic and slip in. inside you find a single computer and a file. You brag both, and open the file. You find the password is the only thing written in there and log into the computer. You scroll through data you don't understand until you find a hidden file.

You click on it, opening the file and suddenly the world goes cold. Your frozen in horror. A single finger strokes your wings, for comfort. Suddenly you hear a rumbling noise, and hear someone screaming for you to run. You turn and look out the window in the door and see oranges and reds.

Grabbing the computer and file, you run to the window, tucking your wings tight and throwing yourself out the window. Just in time for the building behind you to erupt in flames, and explode.

Gods above *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now