Loki wakes up

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Loki's POV:
I open my eyes to blinding white. Perhaps I'm in Valhalla, and Thor's stupid friends decided to kill me in my sleep. Cowards. Or maybe Thanos ended me. Either way I did not want to move. Wherever I was, it was very, very comfortable.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I jolt awake, startled by the strange sounds. I'm in a blinding white room, on a bed. I run my hands through my hair. I glance down, spying the strange white garment I'm wearing. As I look at my arms, I see several tubes poking into them. My wrist is bandaged up, as is my leg.

"Curse you stark." I mutter, ripping the tubes off my arms and stalking towards the door. I reach up to unlock the door when someone grabs my wrist. "Get your ass back on that bed right now, or so help me god, I will do it for you." A female voice snarled.

I obliged backing up and sitting down on the bed. Though my vision was still a bit blurry I could make out the women well enough. She had h/l h/c and s/c. And, to my amusement, was much shorter than me.

She stalked over, reattaching the tubes to my arm. I winced as she poked at the bruises peppering my arms. "You know, you could say thank you." Her tone was light, though still edged with annoyance. "Why should I thank a mortal who has trapped me on the stupid bed?" I tried to remove my arm from her grasp, but to my surprise, I couldn't.

"Fine! Next time your unconscious being mentally attacked and in enough pain to knock you into a coma, while being controlled by a mad titan I won't help you." My eyes widened. "Did you..." she nodded. "Then thank you..." she rolled her eyes. "I'm healer. It's what I do. Now, your free to leave tomorrow, so try not to get too bored." She opened the door, about to leave. "Let me go! Let me out of this stupid bed!" She groaned. "Ok fine. Hard way it is then." A wave of golden mist fell over me, and I felt my eyelids droop. Before I could shout, I was asleep.

~§ time skips brought to you by the wattpad gods §~

"Ahh!" I jolt up. The first thing I notice, is that my wrists are chained to the bed by metal cuffs. The second, is that I am not alone. "Why am I chained to this bed mortal." My words dripping with hatred. "Because I didn't know if you would be angry when you woke up. It's a side effect and I wasn't sure if it would effect you." She waved her hand gesturing to me. "It seems it didn't, since you haven't been actively trying to rip the cuffs off." She makes to remove the cuffs, and I slap her hand away as best I can. "Don't touch me you mewling..." before I can finish the sentence she slaps me. Hard. "Call me a mewling quim again and you won't be waking up for a very long time. And you won't like where you wake up."

Sighing she removed the cuffs, and I sit up, relived. "Your free to go. Those cuffs your wearing prevent you from doing any magic, which I'm sure you know." I nod, and stride out of the hospital ward, into a long hallway. "Last door on the left." I turn. The girl smiles. "Your room is the last door on the left. Thor's room is across the hall three doors down, and mine is across from his, and one door down. The library is that way," she points to the hall to my left "and the second door on the right." I nod my thanks, and turn to go to my chambers. Suddenly I realize the pain in my left leg is gone.

"My leg, it doesn't hurt it anymore." I turn, looking at the girl. She nods. "Your wrist was broken, I healed that. Your collard bone broken in two places, hence the bandage. Your nose was half healed from a broken nose. Your leg was fractured in three places, and because it wasn't given time to heal, and I don't know how this is physically possible because it shouldn't be, your leg healed the fractures by putting scar tissue between the cracks. I had to cut open your leg and remove the scar tissue before healing it with my magic. I was passed out for a day after that, so your welcome." I try to return her smile, though I'm sure it came out a grimace. "Thank you..." she chuckles. "Y/n. My name is y/n." For a moment my heart thunders, remembering the goddess who shared her name.

"Well thank you... y/n. And don't expect me to be this polite to you again." She smiles and nods. "Stop by again if your leg hurts again." I roll my eyes, stalking towards my room. Stupid girl. She obviously doesn't realize who I am.

~§ another time skip brought to you by wattpad gods §~

Your POV:
"Hey guys! Your back!" Nat grins. "Clint got shot again trying to shield Bucky. Who also got shot." ( I know Bucky isn't an Avenger yet but I wanted to add him. ) you roll yours eyes, and raise your hand, healing both of them. "Seriously you guys need to stop getting shot. "Ah! Lady y/n! Where is my brother?" Thor looks around, expecting to find Loki with you. "Loki is probably pouting in his room." Tony laughs as Thor hurries down the hall to see his brother.

"Point break? More like puppy." Tony snorted. "Well Im drained, and exhausted so I'll see you all at dinner. If you need me I'll be in the library."

You open the door to the familiar room. The scent of books fills the air, and the carpeted floor softens your footsteps to barely more than a whisper against the floor. "Didn't know you liked to read." You turn at the sound of Loki's voice. "I knew you did." He rolls his eyes. You turn around again, focusing on trying to find f/n. You find it on the top shelf. Damn you Natasha. "Ugh! Nat. Is. Gonna. Get. It!" Your words punctured by a jump as you try to reach f/n. "Have you lost your mind?" Rolling your eyes you turn back to Loki. "No I haven't it's just Nat put my favorite book on the top shelf and... I can't reach. Why the hell am I even telling you this?" You let out an exasperated scream.

"A little help?" Loki shakes his head. "No. I'm very happy where I am, and I won't get up just because you ask me to." You sigh, and grab a collection of Shakespeare's works, before turning around a corner, and into your favorite hidden reading nook. You curl up, opening A midsummer nights dream. About half way through act 3 you hear a cough. "Can I help you?" Loki stands over you, watching with curiosity. " I wanted to know where you went." You roll your eyes. "Were you worried about me?"

"No, but you seemed to know the library pretty well so I followed you to see if there was more books." He turns and walks off, leaving you confused. "Y/n! You lose pizza privileges if you don't get your ass out here..." Clint shouts. "Yeah! I want food and your keeping me from it!" Bucky growls. Laughing you teleport, grabbing a box of f/p/t and plopping down on one of the couches.

"You guys know I was joking right? I just wanted some pizza before Bucky steals four boxes again." Bucky growls a warning, but Steve lays a hand on his arm. "Calm down buck. It's just food." Bucky grumbles but backs down, taking two boxes for himself. "What about Loki?" Thor rolls his eyes. "My brother refused to join us. I'll bring him a box later." You nod. "Game night!" Tony shouts.

Everyone groans. "Cmon! We'll just play a few rounds of Mario kart! Loser had to buy dinner next time!" He adds. The group obliges, including you. You don't lose, but find yourself stuck in fourth the entire time. Nat wins, again, and Bruce almost loses, though your sure Thor loses on purpose to keep him from going all hulk on you all.

"Ready for another round of drinks?" Tony holds up a bottle of vodka, making everybody cheer. "Wait, isn't this our fourth bottle?" Thor asks, surprisingly sober. Tony nods, and you continue cheering. It's clear the night has just begun.

I re wrote this cus it was weird sorry if you liked the earlier version, I wanted more Loki and you interactions

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