Chapter seventeen

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A/N: Let's just pretend that the last time I updated this wasn't January 😇 Anyway, this chapter is hugely inspired by the song by Good Charlotte - Harlow's Song. (listen to it above ^)Joel wrote this for his baby girl and its beautiful and I wanted to base the feels around Oli and Sonny in this chapter. Hope it's alright, sorry for slacking. ily ❤️


Oli's POV

Heavens know how I manage to create such a perfect, beautiful and breath taking human being? To think, that this tiny little human that lies in my arms shares my genetics, has my blood running through his tiny veins. How did something so precious be birthed from something as sinister as me? Nothing good has ever come from me yet, I have pure perfection as evidence right here in my arms as proof there is some sort of goodness in the very depts of my tainted body.

Although, it's not all my creation, no, I couldn't possibly create such a wonderful innocent life without Josh. My adoring ray of sunshine, my forever love, how his beauty and kindness reflects through our son so perfectly. How his features shine so brightly through our son, like, how his soft brown hair curls at the ends sitting under his little ears and how his frown is literally identical to Josh's, mirroring his signature pout along with it too when he don't get his own way.

The only resemblance of me I see in him is his adorable button nose which my brother continuously voices about whenever he gets the chance. But somehow he still manages to turn it into Josh's whenever he's unhappily cranky about something and scrunches it up to match the frown and pout of his daddy. And of course, his unique eye colour which represents both his daddy's, blue and hazel green. Absolute perfection and I wouldn't change a single part of him for the world. He was most definitely the better part of me and I will forever treasure him.

Well, perhaps just his bed time routine as his screaming grumpy cries continue to keep the night alive with his powerful set of lungs.

"Alright kiddo, if you don't sleep neither do I, and that makes two of us cranky in the morning, and I have a feeling daddy isn't going to be too happy about it." I urge tiredly down to my crying son.

Josh was right, Sonny having a late nap lead to him not sleeping through the night which brings us to early hours of the morning with me trying to desperately will my son to sleep. I insisted Josh to stay in bed whilst I eagerly wanted to bond with my son and do the simplest of tasks and put my child to bed but even that was seeming difficult.

I stand up from the rocking chair, rocking him clearly wasn't working nor was feeding him a bottle that he refuses to drink from. I realised that after the first two times he spat up on me, making me rid of the night shirt I was wearing. I gently cradle his head against my bare chest and start bouncing him softly as I pace around the yellow nursery. I was absolutely exhausted. Physically and mentally drained in a way I've never experience before. God knows how Josh managed to do this on his own for so many months... he deserves a damn medal. He's literally a real life superhero and from what I've witness him handle Sonny so far he makes it look like childs play.

I sigh tiredly, sleep heavily tugging down on my eye lids as I try my hardest to keep them open. I don't think I have ever craved for a goodnights sleep in all my life. I lazily push back my hair with my fingers before bringing my hand gently down on my sons back for some comforting rubs to soothe him.

I pace past his neatly kept cot and reach for the fluffy polar bear I've notice he has grown attached to. "Mr Bear would like some good night cuddles," I coo in a baby voice as I try to distract his cries with the bear. It's a big fat fail as Sonny continues to loudly cry.

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