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I look around for who was talking. I was in a hospital room. In bed. Doctors and nurses were rushing in and out writing on their note pads and computers yet it was like they couldn't see that i was up. Like they were all blind or something. Sitting up I look at the Dark haired boy before observing the rest of my environment. I was still me was hard to put it all into words.

"You heard me ya daft cunt."
He huffed crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorway.
"And you're not dead. Your in a coma, genius. If you were dead you could see yourself and nobody else. Just us. And it would be dark."

"Why are you here then? If I'm not dead then why am I-"
I groaned and rolled my eyes.
"Gods please kill me."

I was met with a grunt from him as he flipped his fringe to the side of his head.

"Oh, shut up will you. You gave her what she wanted. Half of it anyways but still..."
He still kept his arms crossed.
"What the Hell were you thinking? Do you know how TIRING it is to keep us both on this planet."

Laying back into the bed I was in I sighed.

"So...i'm in a coma right? How long will i me-"

I hear a shrill scream as I saw Mum bursting through the door with mascara running down her face.
"Sirus? SIRUS! Wake up baby, please! SIRUSSSSS!"

I watched as she then grabbed my face. Her hands felt cold and painful. Not at all how I recall hands should feel.

"Gah! Ow my face!"

"Oh good. You can still feel pain at least."
The black haired teen sighed.
"You're already feeling things so...i say you'll be just FINE. I've only been here for a few hours."

"It's only been hours?"

"Sirus! Pleaseeeee!"
I hear the piercing screams once again as she was being pulled away from me. Eventually slipping from the nurses arms she grabbed my shoulders causing extreme pain to shoot through my body.

Behind them was the band...everyone except Cy... For some reason. Where was she?

"Baby please! Wake up! Wake up, PLEASE!"

"Paula. Paula! Paula stop! Yew aren' gonna ge' a reaction ou' of 'er she's-"

"Tell me she's not. Please tell me she's okay! Tell me my baby is going to be okay!"
She wraps her arms around 2D and began sobbing heavily on his shoulder. The closest I've ever seen them...ever.

"I don't know love. I really don't. The doctors are tryin' their best. A-And they're gonna do a real good job at fixin' her up. Alright?"
D and Paula embraced each other tightly as she sobbed loudly.

"My baby! My baby! Oh, My sweet girl!"
Paula sobbed as Murdoc also came in for a hug.

"They don't hate you you know."
Graham sat on the bed next to me casually.
"I saw them. The blue man found you. Called 999. You almost died though...but in my opinion you'll be just fine. Tough break for your face though. Eeegh."

"Why are you here? And...why are you a teenager and not a toddler?"
I asked. It was a pretty legit question. Why was my brother here and not like himself from when he died. We were two when it happened so. He should still be two. Right?

"Do you not listen? I told you. Being your twin makes me a part of you. We're spiritually connected, get it? So, technically speaking. As long as your alive, my spirit is alive.'re the one who remembers me?most and-"

"What happened!?"
Mum's voice interrupted Grahams as felt Noodle's hand on mine.

Noodle quickly got up, speaking inaudible Japanese, she too had mascara running down her face.
This made me want to stop them. I really didn't want to see them fight. Or anybody for that matter. But I was practically helpless. This... Sucked.

Graham however was laughing his arse off.

"Ah man, Mum hates her so much!"
I watched him fall right beside me falling silent and then letting out a sigh.
"Just have patience...time goes by quicker when you're sleeping."

And that...i learned for a fact. It would only slow down when I heard people talking. Some of it was from the hospital staff and others from my mates and family...however, every so now and then it was too quiet to hear.

But like I said. At least I had Graham to keep me company even if he was...really annoying.

It felt like ages went by before the door opened again. About fucking time though.
Graham was starting to get on my nerves.

"Sirus. It's mummy..."
Great...she was here now. Why? I watched as she sat beside my and let out a heavy sigh.
"Now...don't get too unhappy because...i only want to talk. I know how stubborn you are to listen so I'll make it short."

Doubt it but...whatever. Its not like i can say anything to make a difference. I couldn't really tell for sure but she was holding something. Large and brightly coloured. Although I wasn't really sure what it was

"I want to say...'m sorry. I really am. I- It's my fault you're here. I never told you about your past growing up and, we never talked about your brother after he passed and...then there was school and... I was hard on you. I-I never should've said those horrible things."

I rolled my eyes as I heard her voice break and saw her cover her face in disappointment.
"A-An' I know yew probableh can' see or hear me but...i love yew. I love yew with all my heart and I PROMISE! I'll change. I promise. I-I want to give you something for when you wake up so...i know you don't know what it is yet but. I just know you'll like it. It's somefhin' you wanted since you were little and since I broke your old one I..."

I soon hear her sniffle as i hear her set it down beside me.
"I gotta go. 'm sorry love."

"Awww lucky! I wish I could get a Keyboard."
Graham gave a cheeky grin as he pointed out the red keyboard on my nightstand...a children's Keyboard.

"You don't honestly think she's going to change over something like this do you?"

"Your right. To hell with that woman, she should've got you a melodica."
I felt like laughing as Graham said this. He was... Quite funny from time to time... Parts of me wished to know what it would be like to grow up with him... I'm sure it would've been nice.

Gorillaz and Me (Pt.5)Where stories live. Discover now