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I opened my eyes to a blinding light and of course to the band, all who's faces were tear stained. Including Murdoc's.
I wanted to laugh but, I felt tired and sore.
My mouth was dry too so it's not like I could say anything.

"Stop crying..."
I managed to grog out and say which apparently caused everyone to well up more and pull me tighter which was a bit painful. I felt sleepy and unmotivated to react to anything.
2D held my hand that was attached to a plaster cast that had loads of scribbles and stickers on it. Russel had his hand on the top of my head, rubbing it felt a bit light but not that I minded. Noodle had her arm on my torso, as she was almost laying with me and Murdoc hand a tight grip on my blanket by my legs. They were all sobbing quietly as i went in and out of sleep.
It was like that for a few more days. Every so often is hear Graham's annoying voice again but not as much. The boys and Noodle would visit me every day only leaving when i dozed off. Which didn't leave me time to talk or anything.

I had managed to gain consciousness but i was still bed ridden. Long story short, i had a fractured skull, two broken ribs, a broken arm and a twisted ankle.
So if it weren't for my body being pumped full of pain meds I would be in agony right now. I tried eating for the first time. Without a feeding tube up my nose. It was challenging at first due to my dominant hand being in a sling but i managed to do alright.

Today was Valentines Day. Only a few says after My birthday...ether that or maybe a few days after that? There were still red heart streamers and decorations all on the walls outside my room.
It was hard to tell due to the Nurses never changing the date.
Anyhow, Noodle came strutting in today with her jacket on...she seemed a bit suspicious though.

"Hey Sia-Chan."

"H-Hey Noodz."
I said softly taking a sip of the apple juice they gave me. It felt great being able to actually taste something other than the drip IV fluids being pumped into me...which oddly enough I could taste even if it was in my arm. I watched as Noodle closed the inside window blinds.
"Whaaattt are you doing?"

"I have a present for you."
She smiled happily reaching into her jacket. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as to what exactly she had.
"Close your eyes. No peeking."

Setting down my fork I placed my hand on my good eye. Making it dark for me again. Being half blind did have its perks I guess. I heard my tray being rolled away from me as I heard some more movement too.


Opening my eyes out of curiosity I look to see Noodle on the floor holding up a small orange ball off fluff. It pointy ears twitching a bit.

"こんにちは親切な見知らぬ人. ニャー, あなたは私のバレンタインになりますか!"

Noodle spoke in a higher tone to sound cute as she held out the tiny animal. It mewed softly. My eyes widened as my heart monitor beeped more. I gasped happily.

Reaching over to pet the kitten her ice blue eyes looked just as sparkly and curious as ever.
Noodle stood up, placing the tiny animal on my lap.

"Yo' like her yes?"
Noodle smiled happily.
"Cy-Chan found her alone and sick one day. She has been caring for it surprisingly enough. She said she was keeping it for yo'."

"Cy said that?"
I looked at Noodle as the kitten shuffled about. It couldn't of been but a few weeks old mewing loudly as i stroked the top of its head.
"What's it's name?"

"That's completely up to yo' lovely. She is yours after all."

I've never had a pet before. I mean Katzu was Noodle's...Russel would foster piglets every now and then. Murdoc still had his Raven Cortez and 2D. Not only did he keep a fawn but now he has a Yak named least I think that's what he named it.
The flats in Halstead didn't allow pets so i never got to have one. It was very thoughtful of Cy to give me something so sweet.

"How is Cy by the way? I never got to see her."

Noodle shook her head.

"She has her moments. She nearly broke herself when she found out yo-"
Noodle paused and sniffled.
"She's getting better. She wishes to see yo' though Akachan. I tink she misses yo' a lot."

This made my heart felt heavy. I missed Cy a lot too. I never meant to hurt anybody. Only myself. But it turns out I hurt a lot of people in the process.

"Im sorry. I really am."
I felt myself well up as I began crying. I went to wipe my face only to feel a large bandage on my cheek.

"Yo' have nothing to be sorry about."
Noodle sniffled. And wiped my eyes with her sleeve.
"If anything. We should've taken better care of yo'."

"No Noodz...yew guys had a job to do. Its not your fault. I just. Didn't want to get in the way."

"You were never in the way. We wanted to be with yo' we did. We got so wrapped up in work when we should've been taking care of yo' first. That meant yo' too. We were selfish for-"

"Don't say that!"
I lifted up more only to feel my ribcage pull me back. I wasn't completely healed yet.
"Noodle this isn't anybody else's but my own. I got caught up in the fact that...everybody hates me. I made the choice to jump. I thought that if i was dead, yew lot could move on and everyone can go back to Normal. Like how it was before me."

Noodle cried. Shaking her head rapidly.

"愚かな少女. We love yo' with all our hearts! When we first met, I knew yo' were something special. I held yo'...i took care of yo' when nobody else could. We played games together and laughed. Yes I get annoyed when yo' had yo' little fits but that didn't mean i stopped loving yo'. Yo' mean more to me than anything else in this world. You're my Akachan. So...So don't you dare think anything less okay!"

I nod as I sniffled. I always loved Noodle. She was like the big sister I never had. More like a mum to me than Paula any day. I felt stupid for what i did. I really did. If there was a way to take it back I would. Every bit. Every harsh word. Every toxic action. I didn't want Noodle hurting. I didn't want anybody i guess in a way i deserve to be here.

"I-I'm glad i'm still alive."
I mumble to Noodle as i sniffled. A nurse came in, breaking our little moment of emotions.

"Ma'am. Im sorry but yo' can't have pets in the building. I ask that you take it out please."

Taking the small kitten who had Nuzzled into my lap i haded her to Noodle.

I mumbled.
"That means flower right? I-I think it suits her."

Noodle nodds, cupping the kitten who mewed softly after being woke up. Smiling sweetly she placed a peck on the top of my head.

"I'll see yo' soon Akachan. Yes?"

"See you soon...Tell Cy I love her."
With a short nod she left. I missed Cy. I missed everybody. I couldn't wait to go home. It was only a matter of time before i could go right?

I looked forward to it.

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