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//WARNING! Abusive content ahead. If any of you have ever been in this situation click the link below this chapter and I wish you all peace, justice and a comforting hug.//

"You've just gone without saying bye to your new mates?"
Moxxi strutted up to me.

Viper huffs.
"And i was hoping we could hit it off together~"

I laughed nervously. Unsure of what to say. Who does this lot think they are?

"I-I've got a girlfriend."
I stated nervously as I backed away from them.
"I've gotta get home now...she'll worry."

"Aww, but Little Blue, we never got to pay you for your little gift. Just a little tip."
Cabbage steps into the light with a chuckle.
"At least let us return the favour~."

"Listen mate, I get paid in cash. And like i said I've already got somebody so don't even try me."
I stated, scared but using my tone as a way to hopefully scare them off.

"Lot of mouth for someone so small."
Viper cooed, grabbing my arm tightly.
"Let's see what else it can do~"

Looking at her i then felt something like ice against my throat. I glanced over to see Moxxi with her arm to my throat and a blade.

"Say another word and I'll have her cut another mouth into you. Understand?"
Cabbage smirked. This lot was INSANE!
They were gonna kill me!
I then felt a sharp pain in my side causing me to go limp. I felt hot as Cabbage lifted me up.

"They call me Venom for a reason Little Blue. I suggest you be grateful that this dose isn't lethal."

It was all a blur but very vivid. I was placed against the wall, Unable to move as the girls held me down...or up. Moxxy still held the knife to me as Venom lifted up my shirt and my hoodie, groping my chest. I managed to let out a whimper.

"A-A-Ah. Make any noise and I'll end it for you real quick~"
Moxxy smirks placing a kiss on my cheek.
"Just hush baby. You'll love it~"

I felt a chilling breeze hit my thighs. He already had my trousers down as he placed my legs around his hips. It was cold, and hard. My breathing increased as i tried to move but I wasn't able too. None of me was able to move at all. I was paralyzed from the neck down.

I whimpered softly.
"Please, I'll give you anything you want just please don't do this."

I felt his hand be placed on my cheek as he clicked his tongue, right before giving me a firm slap on the face making me squeal a bit. At that instant i felt a sharp slice go into my arm causing me to cry out more.

"Shut up!"

I looked at Moxxy as she licked the blade, right before kissing me, forcefully shoving her tongue in my mouth. Right then I felt a sharp pain right into my torso. He now. I didn't want this. None of it! I want to go home! I want to be held! I want my mum! I want 2D! Murdoc! CYBORG! Please! Anybody! Help!

"Stop. Please! Ah! I-I don't want- Stop!"

I whined and cried as he pulled out and back in, which felt like a knife stabbing me several times on the inside.

The worst part is these girls were all in on it too. I moved my head away and cried out again from pain. Trying my hardest just to move. Another slice was on my arm. I had to hold my breath, the harder i fought the worse it got. Every now and then i would ether get slapped, scratched or sliced open by one of the three.

He pants out as I cried more. By then i had finally gained my movement. Elbowing Moxxy and shoving that sick twisted man off me. It was a chase.

Gorillaz and Me (Pt.5)Where stories live. Discover now