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"Again DD! DO I' AGAIN!"

I lay down, clinging to the poles of the roundabout as he spun me.

Waking me up was a bit of a startle, we ended up bashing heads together, but that's what he gets for getting so close to me while i sleep. Long story short him and Mudz came up with this great plan to take me to the playground. Like I was some child. Hesitantly I went with them but in the end...i ended up having a blast. Especially since D had snuck In an eatable or two. I was having the time of my life watching the world around me spin.

"My turn! My turn!"
Him stopping the roundabout I climb off. Letting D lay on it now. He was such a child at some points.

Gripping my hand in the side rails I pulled back.

He nods quickly as I then began running in a circle. Then letting him go. It was kinda satisfying to watch. After a few seconds of him spinning I walk over to Murdoc who was sitting on a bench as bored as ever. Why even come? Although i don't blame him. I was a bit bored myself...
"Alright. Lets ditch him."

"I thought you two were havin' fun?"
He grumbles as he looked at me with his mixed matched eyes.
I scoffed, rolling my blue ones as I crossed my arms.

"D can keep himself occupied. Besides, the playground is for little kids. I-Im not a kid anymore."

Murdoc's green hand ruffled what was left of my blond hair, it took ages for it to grow out so the rest of it was still pretty short.

"Not a kid 'ey? Then I guess that means you're all grown up now."
He gets up as we both began walking a bit together away from the playground down a path.
"I suppose this day was coming sooner or later."

I blinked, looking at him a bit puzzled. Yes I was all grown up but what did that mean? Was he gonna kick me out?

"My li'le Sia. All grown up. Ready to leave the nest."

"I-I didn't say that! I'm just saying i'm too old for little kid stuff."
I fidgeted as I walked with him. I was being honest. Roundabouts, slides, monkey bars, playgrounds and ice lollies on weekends...that's all kid stuff.
"I'll be 18 next year. Besides...aren't you usually the one to tell me to grow up and act my age?"

"I- Hmmmm..."
He stopped his argument with a sigh.
"Sia love, I'm a changed man. All that time in Wormwood changed me for good. 'm sorry I was so hard on ya growin' up. The truth is. 'm not ready for my li'le girl to become a woman. Not yet, and-"

He stopped himself letting out a low was always hard for him to say how he felt so I had to give him some credit.

"Hey. No worried Mudz. No matter how old I get, I'll still be your little girl, right? Besides it's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon."
I nudged his arm with my elbow with a smirk.
"You're stuck with me wether you like it or not."

"Good. I'd like to keep it that way ya little runt."
He playfully pushed me back and ruffled my tuft of hair.

"Oy! Stop touching my hair!"

He ruffled my hair more with a bit of a laugh.

"Yeah? What you gonna do if I don't huh?"
I laughed and pushed his hands away as he continued messing up my blonde tuft. Murdoc was the kind of bloke to poke fun and fuck with you just for the Hell of it. Although most if the time he's just a cunt.

"Gah! Heyyyyyyyy!"
I laughed and groaned a bit as i then pushed him with a pretty good amount of force. But not enough to knock him over.
"Knock i' off!"

"Alright, alright."
He chuckled as he staggered back, putting his hands up.
"Fuck lass, you've got some strength to ya. I nearly fell on my arse."

Gorillaz and Me (Pt.5)Where stories live. Discover now