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Silence all day....

I awoke on the sofa, still in my dress. my head pounding. As I lay awake I could see Cy picking up the rubbish from last night. Of she should be.
Pulling the duvet off of me I roll to my side, seeing a bucket on the floor that was... Filled witch sick.
It was then I remembered what happened last night. Well...part of it anyways. Just the loud music and the drinks but also...Cy!

A loud clattering sound caused me to shoot to a siting position. Beneath Cy's black boots was a now crushed tin.

"Apologies Mistress. I didn't mean to wake you."

"N-No, no, 's fine. I probably need to get up anyways."
i sniffle abit before letting out a groan, placing a hand on my forehead.
"Ugh, fuck, my head..."

"Should I bring you ice?"
Cy turns to me, giving a head tilt. Silly Cyborg, so simple.

I snorted a bit at her response.

"Ice? N-No thanks. It's just- ugh...a hangover."

standing up I grab the duvet that was covering me, grabbing the sides as best as possible.

"Where uh- where is everybody?"

"They left for an interview just an hour ago."

I hear Cy reply as she picks up more party rubbish.

was my only response. Knowing the band and their responsibilities it would probably be ages before they come back.
"Crazy Party huh? I can't even remember how I got here."

"Is that so?"

folding over one side i look at her, looking her up and down, studying her body language to her monotone voice. Nothing seemed out of ordinary and she didn't seem to be using any sort of sarcasm. Not that she was able to...right?

As i folded over the blanket once more i hesitantly look back at Cy, exhaling nervously. But it had to be asked.

"Hey Cy? Did ehhh- Did we kiss last night?"

She quickly looked back at me, here eyes flickered at me as her face reddened. She then gave a soft head tilt.

"You do not remember?"

her cheeks were red, really red. I got nervous. I really didn't want to tell her I couldn't remember but on the other hand...I would feel guilty if i lied to her.

"Oh...heh, yeah. Of course I remember. H-How could i forget? Last night was...MMMMagical? Magical. Ten of ten, i would most definitely do it again."

I gave a nervous laugh, obviously not remembering a damn thing that happened between us.
I studied her body language as I spoke. that helped a lot. She would never make normal facial expressions when she needed to...always had to pay attention to the body. The lean, the sway, the upright positions the slouch...well you get it. Sometimes facial expressions weren't enough.

I watched as she glared at me. Still no movement or any sign of...ANYTHING. Damn.

she repeated back to me as she stepped closer to me, placing her arms in my shoulders and leaning in as if she was about to kiss me. But she didn't. My face reddens as we were just nose to nose.
"I suppose you enjoyed last night then?"

Giving her a soft nod, I watched as her eyes flickered once more.
My cheeks redden as i felt a shiver go down my spine. I gulped harshly as i felt her run her fingers through...what blonde hair i had grown back.
She had slowly started to kiss me, which calmed me a little yet also put me in a different kind of panic especially when she unexpectedly shoved her tongue in my mouth with...unusual and sudden aggression.

Gorillaz and Me (Pt.5)Where stories live. Discover now