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Weeks passed. Things were starting to calm down and get back to Normal.
And by that i mean before Cy and I.
She stayed far away from me, I stayed away from her.

I don't blame her, especially after a smack like that. However the Boys and Noodle were becoming...oddly suspicious. Whispering and talking behind my back. Well not really. They'd say it was about somebody else but i knew it was about Cy and I.

"Wot if we jus' pop a Viagra in an' put dem in a room together?"

"How thick in the head are ya! No! 'm not le'ing yew give mai kid viagra!"


"The fuck is Viagra?"
I looked at the both of them as i munched on the last box of mini pretzels, stuffing them in my face as I watched Emerdale on the telly.

"Nothin' don't worry about it."
Murdoc grumbled giving 2D a glare.

I shrugged, placing my feet on the coffee table as I watched the Telly.
"Just. If you're still talking about getting Cy and I back together, forget it. Its not gonna happen. Emily and I have got a date next weekend."
Grabbing another hand full of pretzles.

It was true I had a new just didn't feel the same. Sure I liked her and she liked me but it was more like a very odd friendship. I wasn't even sure if it was going to last long.

"Give it a few weeks love. You'll see."
Murdoc mumbled rubbing his chin, looking at me.
"Believe me I know."

Letting out a belch I get up from my sitting position.
Not really caring about formalities. I lived here too.

"Wanna place money on it?"
I asked, looking at the texts on my phone from my new girlfriend...she could be a bit annoying at times. We haven't even kissed and already she's thinking about what to name our kids when we adopt.
Just felt...way too rushed.

I played along though. No sense in letting her down the hard way.

"Where are yew goin'?"
2D watches as I made my way upstairs.

"To fuckin' Narnia! Where else ya daft cunt?"
I popped off with a groan. Sending a smiley face Emoji as a simple reply.
"My room. Fuck."

"Ey! Watch yewr language!"
2D snapped, getting all tense.

"oh. Sorry...VA TE FAIRE FOUTRE..."
It didn't actually take me long to figure out French. Other than picking up a few words from Noodle, Emily spoke french quite frequently. Which made since because she was from France.

" 'm sorreh wot did yew just say?"

Murdoc just starts laughing hysterically at my comment but me. I was a bit annoyed.

I just wanted peace.

"Ugh. Get a fucking dictionary mate."

I spent my time in my room sending messages and Chatting before Noodle called me down.

"So you are coming to zero arcade with me. No?"
I hear Emily's accent through the phone. It was sweet but, a little too sweet.

"Of course babes! I wouldn't miss it for the world."
I stated as I got up.
"I have to go now okay. My ummm. My sister wants me to help her with something."

"Okay then Sia. I will text you. Au revoir~"

I replied sweetly before hanging up and letting out a groan. She was...kind of annoying to be honest. Way too gitty and hyper for my liking.
"Ugh. Gross."

If that's how Danny saw me then I'm glad he cheated...
Maybe I should break up with Emily. It was just one sided anyways. I'm sure she wouldn't be too upset.

Gorillaz and Me (Pt.5)Where stories live. Discover now