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"Nope! Nope, Nope NOPE!"
Noodle held me back from attacking Cy, who wasn't doing anything...except for drinking out of my Juice box. On a normal day i would've just asked to share but because Noodle was around...i had to improvise.

"Yew don't even drink!"
I shouted at her in an angry tone. Although it was all an act. We fight with each other during the day...then at night. We're free to roam as we please without the slightest hint we were together. I was a bit upset that she was drinking my juice however. It was the last box.

As Noodle held me back as i then see Cy flip me off.

"Okay, Okay. Look yo' two its 2D-san's birthday today. We're so for once can yo' two get along!?"

"But my juice bo-"

Noodle yelled, firmly grasping my shoulders. Her green eyes staring directly into my blue ones.
"Okay!? 今あなたの部屋に行きます, ドレスを着て、パーティーの準備をしてください."

"Noodz, the party isn't for another three hours. Why do i have to get ready now?"

Noodle sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"あなたとあなたの幼稚な考え... Just, get dressed and come to my room, Yes?
I rolled my eyes then glared at Cy who held that blank expression on her face. Damn, i'd give anything to change that cute face into something more...appropriate for my taste.
"And...ignore Cy-Chan okay. Don't even look at her, pretend she's not here."

I scoffed at Cy, turning my head away from her.
I made my way to my room, thinking more and more about Cy with each step. Especially what might happen after the party if we actually get privacy.
Late at night, everyone asleep...we can cuddle as much as we please until daylight or, until Noodz wakes up. We might even kiss again!

Closing my door I slip off my shirt and trousers, going to my wardrobe and pulling out my dress for 2D's masquerade party. A royal blue frilled dress, easy zip too. Nothing too special, on top. I look at my reflection from the mirror in my wardrobe. My shoulders a bit broad but I looked nice. After getting dressed I made my way to Noodle's room,

"Ah. Sia-Chan. Come, come. Sit."
She patted the seat infront of her vanity. Taking a seat i looked at her, soon after she pulls out a bag of makeup and hair products.

"Noodle...please don't make me-"

"To late. It's makeover time!"

(Time skip)

Lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara, was...all to much. I hated it. I would've been just fine with the lipstick, not only that but she did my hair too. My long tuft was now a curly, bouncy fluff that hid my blind eye not that it mattered because i was wearing a mask anyways. I looked...terrible.

"I look like my mum."

Noodle laughs at my remark, bouncing my blonde curls she had manage to make... Very impressive.

"Nonsense, Sia-Chan. Yo' look lovely."
Glancing at her phone she smiled happily.
"And now it's time for the party. Quickly, put on yo' mask and go."

"Wait, this like, a party, party or..."
I froze a bit awkwardly. If it was anything like Mudz parties I definitely wasn't up to this.
Noodle said nothing, grabbing my hand and taking me to the party room. This was...very mellowed out. Nobody I knew but obvious mates of 2D's. And maybe a few fans, mostly girls.
"Oh...alright then. I-I'm gonna go and...not socialize over there on the sofa."

Noodle rolled her eyes and walked off. Of course, off to see the Birthday Boy. How old was he now? 42? I forget. Not that it matters.
Plotting myself onto the sofa I was met by a few fans... Loads of them in their 20's though some were around D's age too.

Gorillaz and Me (Pt.5)Where stories live. Discover now