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After explaining everything to her she seemed even more distressed than ever. I didn't tell her about the baby yet though. I couldn't risk any blood to be spilled. Not to mention i was still processing that fact as well. I was 17 after all. Not even a legal adult.
But I told her everything else however.

"You're not mad are you?"
She sat on a small chair by my desk. Unmoving, and making zero eye contact.
She was angry. More than angry. She swayed herself forward and stared at the floor with such intent, clenching her hand into a fist making it pop in the process.
"I'm sorry..."

I felt my heart drop to my stomach at her expression as she looked up at me, her eyes a crimson red. I felt another wave of nausea wave over me. Darting towards the toilets i got sick again. All I could do was cry again. Panic and cry as I heaved over the toilet.
The sound of heavy boots slowly approached me. I looked at her with tears rolling down my cheeks as i looked at her, her eyes still illuminated with rage as she squatted down to my level.

Slowly and ever so gently she placed a hand on my cheek, her eyes starting to go back to normal as she grazed thumb just underneath my blind eye. Her stare was cold and deadly and her face said it all. She wanted to kill.

"Never again."
She muttered at me. I looked at her trying to understand when she meant by that.
"Never again will i ever let you out of my sight."

I sniffled as i hugged her tightly. I felt myself begin to cry again.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm-"

"It's not your fault."
She held me back, rubbing her fingers through my hair.
"I promised. I'll make sure you never leave my sight ever."

I clinged to her as she put her arms underneath my legs lifting me up with her, i placed my legs around her waist as she held me up.
"Promise, you'll never leave no matter what i say or do or how I act?"

"I promise you Mistress. I will never leave your side. Not for a moment."

Slowly but gently she placed a kiss on my head as she held me.
At that moment i actually felt peace. Like everything was going to be ok, and i knew exactly what I needed to tell her. 
One last detail...I had to tell her. If we were going to be official, I had to tell her. No backing out of this, especially if she and I were going to stay in each others sight.

Burying my face in her neck i gave a sniffle. Ready for whatever she was going to say or do. No matter how horrible.

"I-I'm pregnant..."

Believe it or not she took it...well. Kind of. She didn't speak about it nor wanted to. Never told me to git rid or keep it. She only told me that whatever choice i made that she would support me no matter what. That's what made me fall in love with her more. No matter what choice i made, she would be there. And I've finally made my decision.

There was a loud slam coming from the front door, stirring me awake.

"Cy? It's 3am, What- I wasn't aware you left. Did-"
My eyes widened as i saw her standing there, brownish red tint coating her skin and clothes. She was...out of breath. "Overheated" she never breathed unless it was to cool herself down.
"Cy...what's on your- is that blood?"

Gently walking towards me she placed my phone on my bed frame. Still panting she gives me a serious look.

"We need to leave. Now."

I felt myself get sick again. Rushing over to the toilets she fallowed me, removing her leather uniform and cleaning herself off with a washcloth and water.

Gorillaz and Me (Pt.5)Where stories live. Discover now