chapter 18; mrs. morgan for a night

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After a quick afternoon meal, you meet Arthur at the hitching posts where he has Taima and [YH/N] saddled and ready to go. He reaches a hand out to help you up and the two of you head out in the direction of Saint Denis. The morning air was muggy but cool. For the most part you were quiet, taking in the scenery as there wasn't much discussion. Arthur felt the same sense of peace that you had, even in the midst of all Dutch's crazy antics.

A familiar abandoned factory comes into view, along with the bridge leading into the busy city. Hooves clop along the wooden boards, wagons rush by you and the low grumble of the alligators roar in the river below. Suddenly the sturdiness of the bridge is coming in to question as you look down to see several pairs of predatory beady eyes hiding in the swampy water.

Today the cobblestone streets are packed, mostly with civilians bustling from store to store. You're unsure of where Arthur is leading you and silently you pray it isn't that damn theatre again. That would be an unpleasant surprise.

Instead, you stop in front of the local tailors shop. He ties up [YH/N] for you and helps you hop down, guiding you towards the grand doors of the fine establishment. The two of you stick out like sore thumbs dressed in your battle damaged work clothes among all the finely dressed people. The tailor raises an eyebrow at the sight of you, immediately suspicious, taking a precautionary step towards the register.

"How may I help you?" He says with a fake politeness lacing his tone.

Arthur retrieves a wallet from his shirt pocket, placing a large amount of money on the table.

"We are attending a garden party this evening. My wife here needs a new dress for the occasion." He slides the money across the glossy counter then leans back to place his arm around you. You beam when he calls you his wife. Although it's pretend, you stand straight and proud at his side, happily playing the part.

The shopkeepers eyes widen, shocked at the wad of cash in front of him. You have a similar expression on your own face, wondering where Arthur had gotten this much money and why on earth he was so willing to spend it all on you!

"Come with me ma'am, I'll need your measurements and we can discuss what kind of style you would like for this party!" He eagerly jumps out from behind the counter to guide towards the private area. Arthur smirks, taking a seat in the front room. You reluctantly follow the tailor, gawping at Arthur with a million questions racing through your mind. You don't get a chance to ask any of them as the tailor starts wrapping a measure tape around your waist and flurrying around with a thousand questions of his own.

After about an hour, you come out from behind the shade, toting a large, carefully wrapped dressed. Arthur stands to meet you, trying to peek into the package. You smack his hand away with a playful smirk.

"It's a surprise! You'll have to wait until tonight." You giggle.

"Did she pick out some matching jewelry as well?" Arthur turns to the tailor, expecting more for price he paid. The tailor anxiously scurries behind the counter to dig out two boxes full of his finest necklaces, rings and bracelets. Your eyes widen again, looking down at the sparkling beauties. In the back of your mind you know most of it is out of Arthur's budget and you feel guilty for already letting him spoil you as much as he has.

"This one." You gently touch a simple diamond pendant necklace with a pair of matching dangly earrings.

"A fine choice, Madame!" He picks the set out, placing them carefully into a separate box and wrapping it up like a present.

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