chapter 32; the gangs all here

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~ Journal Entry from Reader's POV ~

With help from the townsfolk, the construction went by quickly and was completed a day earlier than anticipated. We still have no furniture but it feels so good to sleep on our own floor with our own roof covering our heads every night. All thanks to my Arthur's hard work. He's slaved endlessly for the last two weeks to build my dream home and it's better than I could have ever imagined. Three bedrooms, a big kitchen and a living room where the whole family can get together. The gang is due to arrive anytime today so I am anxiously waiting for them on my porch. The view is beautiful, a perfect mixture of forest, open valley and water. None of it feels real, like I'm going to wake up one morning back in my fathers house and it was all just a dream.

I had my first visit with the local doctor a few days ago. He used this small round metal device connected to his ears to listen to my belly. According to him, the baby's heartbeat is strong and powerful. Already just like his daddy. I suppose I shouldn't say his. I have no reason to believe it's a boy aside from my own intuition. The doctor couldn't tell me much else except that I was approximately four months along. Baby is due this spring. He also recommended a good midwife and scheduled an appointment for another checkup in two months.

The medical visit has brought a lot of peace to Arthur and I, more than we knew we needed. It's been easier to breathe just knowing our sweet babies heart is beating like a drum.


You pause your writing when you hear the rumble of a wagon train coming down the road

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You pause your writing when you hear the rumble of a wagon train coming down the road. In your excitement, you throw your journal in the air and rush down the steps, nearly falling on your face trying to make a bee line for the front gate. Dutch and Molly are leading the gang, followed by John, Abigail and Jack. You could nearly burst with joy at the sight of them. You hadn't realized the extent of how much you missed them until they were there in front of you.

Next in line is Charles and Bill, followed by Susan and Mr. Pearson. The very last wagon is driven by crazy old Uncle hauling a very drunk Reverend and the other gang women. The girls jump up and down, waving frantically in your direction. They pull past the gate, making their way to the house and the half built barn.

Dutch steps down, assisting his gal. You notice he has a few gray hairs more than the last time you saw him. Abigail wastes no time scurrying to your side, tackling you with a big hug.

"God, I've missed you!" She peeps, holding you tightly.

"I've missed you more!" You weep into her, clinging just as tightly.

She steps back from you, her eyes lit up as she notices the new forced distance between you.

"[Y/N], are you-" She looks at you with hopeful eyes. You smile nodding quickly but putting a finger to your lips to quiet her before she spoils the surprise for everyone. She muffles an excited squeal and tackles you again.

"I'm so happy for you. This is everything you've ever wanted." She touches your shoulder. "I don't know where we would all be had we not found you on that snowy mountain."

"Where's my boy!?" Dutch bellows, spinning in a circle to scan the property for his young protégée.

You laugh at him. "Probably working on the barn. Go say hi, he... has a lot to tell you."

He smiles and motions for Charles, John and Bill to follow him towards the barn. You decided to let Arthur tell the men about the new gang member on the way.

Once they'd all disappeared, you turn to face your girls. You take turns hugging each woman and exchanging brief stories about your separate journeys. Of course, the first thing they want to hear about is all the gory details about your new sex life.

"Actually, ladies, I have something far more exciting to share with you." You smile, sweeping your knee length coat back to reveal the small bump hidden underneath your sweater, caressing it lovingly.

"Shut. Up." Karen gasps, followed by a dozen excited screams and a pile of hugs landing on top of you with an unintended harshness.

"Girls! Girls! I need air!" You breathe with a laugh and they pull themselves off of you. After about a million questions about when your due, when it happened and where you planned on having the baby, the girls finally relent.

"Show us inside!" Tilly squeezes your hand.

You lead them into your home, touring through each echoey empty room and ending the show in the kitchen. You explain how the bedrooms can be split up between everyone, however they prefer, until their own homes are finished. Arthur had plans for at least two more homes, one for John and his family and the other for Dutch and Molly. Uncle was welcome to a room with either you two or the Marston's and Arthur was secretly praying he chooses the other family. It was assumed the other girls would find husbands of their own and leave to start separate lives.

After oohing and ahhing at the empty home and making plans for how to fill and decorate it, you hear the front door swing open.

"I hear I'm going to be a grandpa!" Dutch's voice fills the entirety of the echoey house. Once he lays eyes on you, he scoops you up, spinning you around in what will someday be a living room. You smile and laugh, shouting for him to put you down. He obeys, carefully setting you down. Feeling dizzy, you lean onto your husband.

"Take it easy on her, okay?" Arthur tries to sound like he's playfully joking but the bitter tone conveys that he is serious, a little more intense than he meant to be. Charles, the only other gang member who knows of the tremendous pain you've both endured, comes over to Arthur's side, patting him on the back.

"Congratulations you two." He says, nodding with a glossed over look on his eyes. It's clear he shares the same concerns you both once had at the start.

The large family fills your house and your attention switches to where everybody will sleep. At least with the men here, the construction of the barn would be finished faster and the true homesteading could begin. The pleasant weather of fall won't last forever and winter will be here before you know it.

But for now, for this wonderful moment, you just watch your family talk, laugh and share stories in your new home. A warmth washes over you as your Arthur clings to you, overwhelmed by the same happiness. He places his hand on your belly, smiling down at you and you can see the physical changes the peace has already brought him.

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