chapter 14; me or mary [mature]

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[A/N] ~ This chapter contains smut ;)


The night was restless unlike the one before. Nightmares and self doubt plagued you all night long, keeping you from any form of sleep. In the morning, the lack had turned you into a barely functioning zombie.

By afternoon, the men had left to scope out an "Angelo Bronte" in Saint Denis. Hosea and Javier stayed behind, knowing the camp would need protection. Dutch, speaking to you for the first time since the incident, had asked you to help guard the perimeter of the place until their return.

The day drug on and when you weren't standing at your post for guard duty, you were napping when able to. Eventually, the day got easier and you were no longer fighting sleep when you were supposed to be keeping watch. The only thing you caught getting close to camp was a massive snapping turtle which you gladly, and very meticulously, killed and took to Pearson.

The men didn't make their valiant return until dusk. They quickly gathered around the table, sharing food and information with the others.  You took on the job of untacking and feeding their horses, filling a water trough to replenish them after running in the heat all evening. You decide not to join them for the meal and take your plate to the campfire, where Uncle was passed out with an empty bottle in his hand.

Arthur takes the opportunity to speak to you, leaving the noisy circle and joining you. "Can uh... we talk, [Y/N]? Privately?" He says in a hushed tone, leaning in close to you.

"What for?" You ask in between bites, pretending not to be interested.

"I don't like the way we left things..." he admits and you glance at his solemn eyes. Uncle snores loudly in the background.

"Fine." You give in, setting your plate down on the log and standing. How are you supposed to resist those eyes?

He stands with you, leading you towards the house. He walks upstairs into his room and you hesitate before following him in. The room is moderate size with a small table he's spread a map across and rested his journal on. The dresser has been modified to become a gun display along with extra rounds of ammo. A china cabinet in the corner proudly displays framed pictures of the gang amongst broken dishes. The one frame that sticks out is a tiny picture of Mary, front and center, with a little vase with a delicate flower in it next to it. Your heart drops and reminds you all over again where his love lies.

 Your heart drops and reminds you all over again where his love lies

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He shuts the door behind you and the silence becomes deafening. At first he doesn't say anything, just paces the floor staring at his own feet.

"Say what you need to say Arthur." You choke out, the familiar lump reforming in your throat.

"I just don't understand... I thought I made my intentions towards you clear. I care about you." He stops pacing and focuses in on you. He reaches to grab your hand but your quick to pull it away. A pained look strikes his face as you take a step back from him.

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