chapter 5; his healer

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You and Uncle had been sharing stories for what felt like forever. He wasn't your Uncle, you didn't know who's Uncle he was or where he'd picked up the nickname. He went on and on about his time spent in Africa. You kept your eyes focused on the water you had managed to keep bowling all afternoon in preparation for any injuries the boys would have. It'd otherwise been quiet and you enjoyed this bit of freedom Dutch had allowed you to have. It was your first time away from camp only accompanied by someone who was honestly only capable of keeping an eye on you.

Uncle, sipping on a cup of coffee, leans forward on the rock he'd been perched on.

 Uncle - Unproductive alcoholic

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Uncle - Unproductive alcoholic

"Hear that?" he asked.

You listen closely. Hooves were approaching and fast.

"Uncle, get my kit ready, I have a bad feeling about this."

The first to arrive back was Lenny. He only had a slight graze from a bullet that was a close miss.

Lenny Summers - Gang Member

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Lenny Summers - Gang Member

"Don't worry about me, [Y/N], I'aint the one who needs tendin. It's Arthur." He paused to catch his breath. "It's bad."

A pain hit you in the chest. Arthur? You hadn't even thought of something bad happening to him. He's so strong, so capable. Who could possibly over power a man like him?

"What happened?" Uncle quizzed him, gripping the boy by the shoulders, trying to shake some sense into him.

"Pinkerton's were crawling all over that train. Micah had to of set it all up. That slimy bastard." Still out of breath, he gasped before continuing. "He and Dutch took off, that's when Charles found Morgan. He's hurt real bad."

You had gone to the edge of your tiny camp, eyes anxiously scanning the horizon for any sign of them. Your heart was pounding, mind racing and feet stirring, unwilling to stand still.

Finally you spot them. Charles rode fast and hard, his long black hair waving behind him. Arthur was slumped over behind him, barely hanging on to the saddle. You flag them down and they turn in your direction.

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