chapter 6; camp sweet camp

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The night was restless. Even though the boys had taken turns guarding the rooms, sleep never found you. Once the sun was well risen in the sky, you sought after finding food for all of you. The general store across the street proved to be a good source for bread, eggs and coffee. You stopped at each of the men's rooms, delivering the meal and exchanging pleasantries. Charles had a sprained wrist from a fall and a few scrapes that you patched up for him, putting his arm in a sling that he'd need to wear for the next several days.

You stopped outside of Arthur's room, gently knocking on the door, not wanting to wake him if he was still asleep. You hear his gruff voice invite you in and you swing the door open.

"Good morning, Mr. Morgan." You chirp, placing your bag at the foot of the bed and handing him a plate of food. He was sitting up in bed, shirtless and he gladly accepted your offering of nourishment. "How are you feeling?" You ask, watching him inhale the food.

"Better. Sore." He managed to muffle the words between shovels of food.

"Good. We've got a long ride home today, I wanted to make sure you were feeling up to it."

"I can take it." He assured you, handing you the empty plate.

You take the plate from his hands and set on the dresser. "Alright cowboy, you'll need to get dressed then." You set his folded clothes beside him and gave him a hand in sitting up on the edge of the bed. He fumbled to get his shirt on with his one good hand so you helped him pull it over his head. Then he stood, leaning against the bed post and reaching for his pants.

"Allow me.." You hesitantly said, grabbing the jeans and holding them out, helping his feet find their way in. You slid them up his legs and fastened his belt for him, the tight pull bringing your bodies together with a grunt.

"Thank you, [Y/N]." He said awkwardly, putting his hat on and holstering his cattleman's revolver. You nod, smiling shyly and grab your bag, heading out of the room.


Uncle was waiting with a loaded wagon outside while Lenny came down the dirt road with the horses in tow

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Uncle was waiting with a loaded wagon outside while Lenny came down the dirt road with the horses in tow. He gave you a wave and smile as you leaned against the railing of the saloons front porch. Arthur limped to the wagon, leaning against Charles, who helped him in. You were close behind him, setting your belongings next to the mangled man.

"Still hangin' in there, oh infamous gunslinger of the wild, wild west?" you teased him. He rolled his eyes at you, scoffing and waving you off.

"Don't you worry about me, Miss [Y/SN]. I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself." he weakly defended himself, sending your thoughts to this morning when he couldn't even dress himself.

"If you say so, cowpoke." You laughed, mounting your horse. The train of horses ahead of the wagon clicked into motion. Your still shiny new spurs clipped into the horses side, pushing him forward.

At last, you were all homeward bound. It felt good to think of the camp that way, as home. You weren't sure what you would all find upon your return being the way the train robbery had gone. At the very least, you were excited to get back to Tilly, Abigail and the rest of the girls. Molly O'Shea, Dutch's girl, crosses your mind. You wonder where she is now. Perhaps Dutch came back for her or maybe the others would exile her once they heard the news.

 Molly O' Shea - Dutch's sweetheart

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Molly O' Shea - Dutch's sweetheart


The sun was just beginning to set when you arrived at camp. Hosea, Miss Grimshaw, Mr. Pearson, the reverend and all the ladies greeted you all at the perimeter, following the wagon train to help you get resettled.

 Susan Grimshaw - Original Gang Member and Camp Leader

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Susan Grimshaw - Original Gang Member and Camp Leader

Karen jumped into the wagon, anxious to help Arthur to his tent. A strange sense of jealously hit you like a bolt of lighting. You didn't like the sight of his hand in Karen's. 

"Oh, you poor man! Let me help you." Her voice is melodic with tones 'I'm horny'

She flashed him a flirtatious smile and conveniently bent down in front of him, her low cut dress covering hardly a thing.

She flashed him a flirtatious smile and conveniently bent down in front of him, her low cut dress covering hardly a thing

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Karen Jones - Gang Member

"Stop it!" The words shocked you. You hadn't intended to say them as they poured from you involuntarily. Karen snapped away from him, shooting you a confused stare. Everybody's eyes darted to you and you turned red with embarrassment. "I mean... just be careful with him, he's... hurting." You jump off the wagon and head straight to your tent, anxious to hide from your shame, feeling eyes on you as you storm away.

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